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Become a mentor
05 Jan 25


Aligned with our commitment to supporting members of CIBSE, and its societies, with their professional development, the online platform is open to mentees (individuals looking for a mentor) and to mentors who wish to share their expertise and knowledge with the new generation of professionals. We offer online resources, advice, and guidance to help you make the most of the mentoring experience.

You can sign up as a mentor if there is an area or areas where you feel that you could support other building services engineering professionals. It might be dealing with a particular challenge, working towards a professional qualification, or developing knowledge in a new area.

As a mentor, you are in control: you decide how many people you want to support, and when you want to make yourself available to potential mentees.

CIBSE also encourages "reverse-mentoring" where those in their early careers mentor senior members of the Institution.

Register as a mentor today

Number of hours required: Flexible

Qualification: The CIBSE Mentoring Platform is a membership benefit and is only available to current members of CIBSE (Student, Graduate, Affiliate, Licentiate, Associate, Member, or Fellow membership holders). Anyone can become an Affiliate member of CIBSE today and access our online mentoring service.


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