All levels of SLL membership are represented within the Society’s Committees and the Society is led by elected volunteer officers.
Each year, the SLL Executive committee meets to discuss and recommend members for senior officer roles, including the following:
- President-Elect
- Honorary Treasurer
- Vice President
- Council Members
The membership is notified of who the suggested candidates for election are, and they are also invited to submit any additional nominations.
Once the nominations process is complete, a notification is sent out to all SLL members, this will be at least 3 months prior to the SLL AGM, where the new officers will be elected.
Following this notice, there is a 42-day period where the members are invited to nominate any additional candidates for consideration.
If there are more candidates than officer roles, a ballot will be held with the results announced at the Society's AGM. Details and instructions for the voting process will be circulated.
All nominations will be subject to written acceptance from the nominee and will need to be seconded by another member of the Society.
The nominations criteria for each of these roles are as follows:
- Candidates must be MSLL or hold a higher grade and will have held the office of Vice President.
- Appropriate status/profile and experience within the lighting industry
- Good knowledge of the industry, the Society of Light and Lighting and CIBSE
- Ability to champion mainstream causes and respond to future issues affecting the lighting industry and the institution
- Free of vested interests and willing to promote the interests of the institution first
- Can devote the amount of time required to fill the role of President-Elect and following that President
- Ability to effectively chair committee meetings and events
- Ability to clearly and effectively communicate the views of the Society and the wider institution publicly and to external stakeholders
- The term of office for President-Elect is one year, before becoming President.
Honorary Treasurer
- Candidates must be MSLL or hold a higher grade.
- Financial analysis skills and experience in the financial management of a business or charity
- Ability to effectively chair and lead debates in order to establish consensus and aid decision making
- Ability to clearly and effectively report on financial matters effecting the Society
- Able to commit the time and be void of vested interests
- Able to work effectively with the CIBSE finance team and the SLL Secretary.
- The term of office for Honorary Treasurer is a year.
Vice President
- Candidates must be AMSLL or hold a higher grade of membership.
- Good knowledge of the industry and the work of the institution
- Ability to champion mainstream causes and respond to future issues affecting the lighting industry and the institution
- Free of vested interests and willing to promote the interests of the institution first
- Can devote the amount of time required to fill the role of President-Elect and following that President
- Ability to effectively chair committee meetings and events
- Ability to clearly and effectively communicate the views of the Society and the wider institution publicly and to external stakeholders
- The term of office for Vice Presidents is typically two years before being nominated as President Elect.
Council Members
- Candidates can be of any grade of membership except Student.
- Commitment to the Society and the wider Institution and to its objectives
- Awareness and understanding of the objectives and range of Institution activities, the role of Council and the key internal and external stakeholders
- Ability to promote the Institution internally and externally in a positive and constructive way
- Understanding of team member role, and listening/working constructively with others
- Ability to communicate effectively
- Ability to provide constructive ideas and proposals for the benefit of the Society
- Ability to represent the consensus views of groups of members where they serve as representatives
- Acceptance of collective responsibility for Council decisions
- Honesty, integrity and a respect for confidentiality
- The term of office for Council Members is up to three years.
Regional Lighting Representatives
- Regional Lighting Representatives are nominated by the CIBSE Regions