Closed Consultations by Year
CIBSE thanks all its members who participated in the past consultations and contributed to CIBSE responses. To read responses submitted by the Institution follow the links below.
- Consultation on sprinklers in care homes, removal of national
classes, and staircases in residential buildings - UK greenhouse gas emissions reporting: Scope 3 emissions
- Heat Strategy for Wales
- Scottish Government Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) reform consultation
- HSE Consults on Code of Conduct for Registered Building Inspectors
- Building Regulations Part B (Fire Safety) for buildings other than dwelling houses
- Regulating the Building Control Profession
- Consultation on new Ecodesign Requirements for Lighting Products
- Changes to the building control profession and the building control process for approved inspectors
- Welsh Government Consultations
- Service charge transparency requirements: ongoing costs of the new building safety regime - consultation and call for evidence
- RICS Whole Life Carbon Assessment 2nd edition
- Building Bulletin 100
- Heat network zoning
- Competition law and co-operation for sustainability and zero carbon
- UK Hydrogen Strategy
- Impact of UK-EU Trade Agreement on Services & Investment
- Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS)
- Role of biomass in achieving net zero
- A performance-based policy framework in large commercial and industrial buildings
- Sustainability of the built environment
- Heat in Buildings Strategy for Scotland
- Future Buildings Standards: Building Regulations Part L & F, and overheating
- Safer buildings in Wales
- Draft Code for Construction Product Information
- National Planning Policy Framework and National Model Design Code
- Transforming public procurement
- National retrofit strategy
- Review of Welsh Building Regulations Part L and F: Stage 2A
- Review of Welsh Building Regulations Part L and F: Stage 2B
- Improving home energy performance through lenders
- Green Heat Network Fund
- Proposals to extend the Domestic Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm Regulations
- Improving the energy performance of privately rented homes
- Amendments to the Approved Document B: Sprinklers and other fire safety measures in new high-rise blocks of flats
- Redress for Purchasers of New Build Homes and the New Homes Ombudsman
- Net zero government inquiry
- Draft guideline on Indoor air quality at home
- Building a Safer Future: Proposals for reform of the Building Safety Regulatory System
- Social value in government procurement
- Decarbonising heating: Overview of current evidence
- Scrutiny of the draft Environment (Principles and Governance) Bill
- Measuring environmental change - Draft indicators framework for the 25 Year Environment Plan
- Energy efficiency inquiry
- Draft Guidance on Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting
- Effects of Indoor Air Quality on Children and Young People’s Health
- Cutting energy bills and carbon emissions in the public and higher education sectors
- Call for evidence on the reform of the Green Deal Framework
- Draft London Environment Strategy
- Joint Inquiry on Air Quality
- Draft BREEAM New Construction 2018 Technical Manual
- Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety
- Electric vehicles: developing the market and infrastructure
- Draft UK Air Quality Plan for tackling nitrogen dioxide
- Building our Industrial Strategy
- Second Research Excellence Framework (REF)
- Changes to the Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP)
- The Future of Heat: Non-domestic buildings
- The Future of Heat: Domestic buildings
- Assessment of EU/UK environmental policy
- Review of the business energy efficiency tax landscape
- Evaluation of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
- Review of the Feed-in Tariff scheme
- Spending Review 2015: A country that lives within its means
- Home energy efficiency and demand reduction
- How do we create a better built environment
- Energy & Climate Change Priorities for holding Government to account
- The Government’s approach to sustainable development
- Changes to Display Energy Certificates in England and Wales
- Amendments to the Building Regulations Approved Document J: Combustion appliances and fuel storage systems
- Implementation of the recast Energy Performance of Buildings Directive in the UK
- Parts L and F of the Building Regulations
- Proposal for a Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
- Part G of the Building Regulations
- The Future Homes and Buildings Standards
- Home Energy Model
- Home Energy Model: Future Homes Standard Assessment
- Smarter regulation and the regulatory landscape
- Heat network zoning consultation
- City of London Planning for Sustainability SPD consultation
- Introduction of a UK carbon border adjustment mechanism from January 2027
- BS 40104 Retrofit assessment for domestic dwellings – Code of practice
- Building Regulations: Determining the principles for a Scottish equivalent to the Passivhaus standard: Stage 1 consultation
- Invest 2035: the UK’s modern industrial strategy
- Call for Evidence: Towards a Market for Low Emissions Industrial Products
- Consultation on HSE Draft Building Inspector
Competence Framework - Embedding standards and pathways across the cyber
profession by 2025 - Building Inspector Competence Framework (BICoF) consultation
- Net Zero and Heat and Buildings Strategies
- Higher Risk Buildings (Descriptions and Supplementary Provisions) Regulations
- Consultation and call for evidence on electrical safety in the social rented sector
- Consultation on implementing the new Building Control Regime for higher-risk buildings and wider changes to the building regulations for all buildings
- Call for Evidence for the independent review of the government’s approach to delivering its net zero target
- NCM Call for Evidence - Joint submission by CIBSE and LETI
- Planning for the future
- Overarching framework for competence of individuals working in the built environment
- Greening the post-Covid recovery
- Post-pandemic economic growth
- Changes to the Energy Performance of Buildings Regulations
- Energy Efficiency of Existing Homes
- Future support for low carbon heat
- Changes to the non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive scheme
- Heat networks: Building a market framework
- Review of the ban on the use of combustible materials in and on the external walls of buildings
- The Future Homes Standard: Changes to Part L and Part F of the Building Regulations for new dwellings
- Changes to the Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP)
- The Sixth Carbon Budget and Welsh emissions targets
- Proposals for the minimum energy efficiency standard for non-domestic Private Rented Sector
- Renewable Heat Incentive: Biomass combustion in urban areas
- Technologies for meeting Clean Growth emissions reduction targets
- Energy Performance Certificates for buildings
- Helping businesses to improve the way they use energy
- Scottish Building Regulations Review of Energy Standards
- Banning combustible materials in cladding systems in Wales
- Banning combustible materials in cladding systems in England
- Draft Clean Air Strategy
- Recommendations from the Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety
- Environmental Principles and Governance after EU Exit
- A future framework for heat in buildings
- Amendments to Approved Document B on Fire Safety
- Draft revised National Planning Policy Framework
- Climate change adaptation reporting
- Heatwaves: Adapting to Climate Change
- Amending the Private Rented Sector Energy Efficiency Regulations
- Draft New London Plan
- Air quality: domestic burning of house coal, smokeless coal, manufactured solid fuels and wet wood
- National Infrastructure Assessment
- Building a market for energy efficiency
- Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting
- Leaving the EU: Implications for UK energy policy
- Heat Networks Investment Project
- Deemed scores for the next phase of the Energy Company Obligation
- Renewable Heat Incentive: A reformed and refocused scheme
- Regulation to encourage innovation
- Future Power System Architecture
- Pre-legislative scrutiny of the Government’s draft legislation on energy
- Changes to the reduced rate of VAT for Energy Saving Materials
- Review of the Energy Efficiency Directive
- Cutting Red Tape House Building Review
- National Infrastructure Commission call for evidence
- Next steps to zero carbon homes: Small sites exemption
- Energy and Climate Change Committee successes and future challenges
- Implementation of the new EU Fluorinated Gases Regulation
- An End to Cold Homes: Labour’s plans for energy efficiency
- Building Sector Resource Efficiency
- Housing Standards Review (II)
- Minimum Energy Performance Standard in England and Wales
- Replacement of the 2007 Construction Design and Management Regulations
- Renewable Heat Incentive: Proposals for a domestic scheme
- Renewable Heat Incentive: Plans to expand the non-domestic scheme
- The Future of Heating: A strategic framework for low carbon heat
- Changes to the Building Regulations in England
- Making Energy Performance Certificate Data Publicly Available
- Revised School Premises Regulations
- The Green Deal and Energy Company Obligation
- Improving the Energy Performance of Buildings Regime
- New Homes Bonus Scheme
- Amendments to the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme Order 2010
- Sustainability Labelling within Building Standards
- Ideas on Future Changes to the Building Regulations
- Smart Metering Implementation Programme Prospectus
- Making better use of Energy Performance Certificates and data
- Planning for a low carbon future in a changing climate
- Meeting the Low Carbon Skills Challenge
- Building Regulations Competent Person Self-Certification Schemes