On November 12th, the CIBSE Lifts Group held our Annual Seminar at the Novotel Excel to support CIBSE's Build2Perform 2024.
Despite the costs associated with the private venue, we upheld our tradition of keeping attendance fees at £50, with no charge for retirees and students. The fantastic turnout, featuring many familiar faces, demonstrated that our efforts are worthwhile. We want to thank all attendees for their support. We hope next year's Annual Seminar will be held at CIBSE's new HQ!
Opening Address - Michael Bottomley, Chair CLG
(Video / PDF)
Presentation 1:
Codes and Standards - Adam Scott, SWECO and CLG BSI Representative
(Video / PDF)
Presentation 2:
Blackout: Exposing the Hidden Risks in Lift Passenger Emergency Systems - Paul Burns, D2E
(Video / PDF)
Presentation 3:
Lusail Plaza Towers: Lifting the Design for Future Flexibility - Chuan Lim, Foster+Partners
(Video / PDF)
Presentation 4:
Grenfell Phase 2 and means of escape - Nick Mellor, LEIA
Closing Address:
Society Updates - Michael Bottomley, Chair of CLG
(Video/ PDF)