Those who apply and gain Member class of the Society can use the designatory letters MSLL.
Applicants must hold, as minimum CIBSE Affiliate membership. Applications must be made online, and the following information and documents will be required when submitting your application.
The following information.
1. Basic Application Information (Name, Address, DoB, Email Address, Telephone Number).
2. Sponsors Name and Email address. NB The sponsor must be:
- A Member or Fellow of SLL,
- A Member or Fellow of CIBSE.
- Registered CEng with any Engineering Council nominated institution,
- Professionally registered within the construction industry (CIOB, RICS, RIBA), or
- Employer.
NB A direct family member or a member of CIBSE/SLL staff cannot sponsor the application.
The following documents in separate files.
3. Qualification Certificates and transcripts in English (upload document(s)), also member certificates from other Professional Institutions.
4. CV – including any relevant education, employment details including percentage of time working in light and lighting, and specific roles/tasks undertaken (upload document).
5. Either a 2,000 to 2,500 words Engineering Practice Report or if already a Chartered Engineer a 1,500 to 2,000 word Competence Statement covering the SLL Member Criteria (based upon UK Spec competencies A, B, D and E).
6. Organisation Chart (upload document).
There are two templates available to help you complete your reports.
- Respond to the competencies in the competency table - word or pdf, or
- Write a report which includes responses to all competency requirements - word or pdf.
All members of SLL must agree to the requirements of to the CIBSE Code of Professional Conduct.
Guidance Document, including SLL member criteria and checklist.
To apply for MSLL and you are a member of SLL and/or CIBSE.
To apply for MSLL and you are not a member of CIBSE and/or SLL.
NB If your aim is to apply for CEng, go to CIBSE Member Membership.