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Construction Quality: when does it happen

  • Buildings and Building Performance
27 Feb 2025
12:30 - 13:30
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  • Buildings and Building Performance


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How Scotland's Construction Quality Improvement Collaborative supports projects to get quality right in building services.

CIBSE Scotland and the Association for Consultancy and Engineering (ACE) Scotland have collaborated to bring this event to you. The webinar will be Chaired by CIBSE Scotland's Steven Dijkstra-Downie and include presentations by two leading figures in the Construction Quality Improvement Collaborative, Colin Campbell of Scottish Futures Trust and Stuart Lochrie of FES Group. The presentations will be followed by a panel format, including opportunity for delegates to ask questions and explore construction quality in more depth.

Quality: when does it happen?

Speaker: Colin Campbell

Colin will give an overview of the Construction Quality Improvement Collaborative (CQIC) and how it has been enabling project teams to take a structured approach to getting quality right in construction projects - from inception to handover and beyond. This Continuing Professional Development session will include a focus on the importance of good briefing and design to enable good quality installations of building services systems.

It will include reference to the Contractor Design Portion and its benefits and pitfalls in relation to the quality outcomes, and give an update on the work CQIC is undertaking to develop guidance on the use of Contractor Design to support quality outcomes.

Quality Installations: an MEP contractor's perspective

Speaker: Stuart Lochrie

The importance of good briefing and designs to quality outcomes for MEP services will be explored from a Contractor's perspective. Effective management of on site operations and the approach to getting it right first time will also be covered.

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