- Ventilation
Book NowAn approved CIBSE CPD hosted by Plasma-cleanair
Commercial kitchens need an effective odour control and grease management strategy. Without it, commercial kitchens face closure if odour laden air is released into the environment causing a continued nuisance to neighbouring properties. Grease build up in the kitchen extraction system also presents a fire risk which could spread through the entire building.
This informative CPD covers the latest odour control and grease management strategies for commercial kitchens and addresses:
- The importance of considering grease management and odour control early in the design phase
- Equipment types and options when space is limited
- Common guidance and specifications including BESA’s DW172, EMAQ+ and Odour Risk Assessments
- Energy saving and cost reduction using Demand Control Ventilation in the kitchen extraction system
- The latest innovations in grease management which will make TR19 duct cleaning a thing of the past