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Professional Membership and Registration with CIBSE

  • Membership Briefing / Webinar
10 Apr 2025
06:00 - 07:00
Organised by
Event Fees
  • Membership Briefing / Webinar


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If you are looking for professional accreditation as an engineering professional, you don't want to miss this webinar.

This session will explain how to achieve professional registration with the Engineering Council at Incorporated Engineer and Chartered Engineer levels for those with, Washington Accord qualifications and for those without .

This webinar has been tailored to provide you with information on the process to become either an Associate or Member grade of CIBSE .

Learn about CIBSE's Experience Route to membership and chartership. A new pathway that recognises practical experience and is an inclusive opportunity for all experienced professionals, regardless of academic background.

In addition, you will learn how you can obtain Registration in Queensland or Victoria alongside MCIBSE CEng.

The following topics will be covered:
- Benefits of CIBSE Membership
- Benefits of Professional Registration with the Engineering Council
- Different Grades of CIBSE Membership – with a focus on how to achieve our corporate ACIBSE & MCIBSE grades (inc. IEng/CEng)
- A breakdown of the different routes into ACIBSE/MCIBSE Level - A breakdown of the different academic requirements into ACIBSE/MCIBSE level
- A breakdown of all information required when submitting an application - A breakdown of the interview process
- Register of Professional Engineers Queensland, and Victoria.
- The Experience Route to Registration
- Additional help you can get from CIBSE

This 30 min presentation will be followed by a Q&A session

Who should attend?

Anyone interested in advancing their engineering career by obtaining professional membership and registration status with CIBSE.

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The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers ('CIBSE') is committed to protecting your privacy, and takes its responsibilities regarding the security of members' and customers' information very seriously. For the purpose of registering you for this event and providing you with further information in relation to this event we will process your personal data within our customer database. On the basis of legitimate interest we may use your data to inform you of similar events in the future and to promote services, activities and commercial objectives that are designed to support the science, art and practice of building services engineering . For more information about how we process any personal information that we collect about you, how you can instruct us if you prefer to limit the use of that information and procedures that we have in place to safeguard your privacy please view our privacy policy.

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