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Low Carbon Consultant Building Design / Scotland Section 6 Building Regulations Exam

Standard Rate
£290.00  +VAT
Member Rate
£290.00  +VAT
  • Energy Assessor Training

Online Learning

The exam is 'Open Book' - texts allowed are:

  • Building standards technical handbook June 2023: non-domestic for Scotland
  • Building standards technical handbook 2022: non-domestic for Scotland

There is no requirement to complete any associated Low Carbon Consultant Design training before attempting this exam, however, doing additional study may help in ensuring you pass the exam successfully.

There are 50 multiple choice questions. The exam is marked out of 100 and the pass mark is 70%. The time allowed is 90 minutes. Based on government guidelines, an additional 25% extra time is given for special needs. Time allowed is 113 minutes. Please contact the Training Team if you have any special needs.

You will have access to the exam via your My CIBSE Learning Portal under the tab ‘My Courses’.

If there is any reason that you should not be able to complete the exam online, please contact a member of the training team at [email protected] to make alternative arrangements. 

Multiple choice questions only have one correct answer - candidates should note that some questions offer options for 'all of the above/below' or 'none of the above/below' so the questions should be read carefully. Questions will cover the Part L regulations including the 2021 updates. Some of the questions will require good engineering judgement. 

The exam is hosted via the CIBSE Learning Management System. Each exam is timed and will automatically log the candidate out once the time has ended. The CIBSE Learning Management System has a single sign on system forcing the candidate to login with a username and password. Once the exam has been started the candidate is unable to pause or restart the exam and must be finished in the allocated time.

Although the exam is 'open book' it is not designed to allow candidates to look up all the answers - material allowed should be regarded as reference. If candidates have not prepared thoroughly by completing the pre-reading and understanding the training course, they may find it hard to finish the exam. CIBSE Training must be notified in advance of any relevant special needs or requirements.

Best practice advice for candidates sitting an exam:

  • Find a quiet, well ventilated, well-lit room so you can comfortably sit your exam  
  • Schedule a suitable time where you will have the least distractions (meetings, children, deliveries, etc.)
  • Check all your technology is working (computer plugged in, near WiFi hub, registration complete, etc.)
  • Put a do not disturb sign on your door, turn off email notifications, mute your phone, etc.
  • Check if there is pre-reading for the exam , if the exam is open book, and how much time you have.
  • Don’t get anyone else to help you with the exam as you are the one who will need the knowledge to practice.


All candidates are notified of the result of the examination by email. Such notification will normally be sent within two weeks of the examination unless the result is the subject of a complaint.

Candidates are provided the opportunity of one re-sit at no charge if they fail the exam included in their purchase. If the candidate fails their first attempt, they will have access to the resit automatically. If the re-sit is not successful, we recommend the candidate takes further training before trying again. If they would like to re-sit a further time, they will need to contact the Training Team and there is a charge associated with this. There is no limit to the number of times a candidate can re-sit.

If you would like to make a complaint against examination results or process, you are able to make use of our complaints procedure. CIBSE Training will ensure that the person decision-making in the complaint process will be different from those involved in the original discrepancy. Complaints must be processed by email. Below is the procedure once your email has been submitted:

  • An automatic email is sent back confirming that a member of the training team will be in contact, usually via email, within five working days to confirm we have received the submission.
  • A member of the Training Team will reply within five working days detailing the steps which will be taken to handle the complaint
  • An investigation will take place to resolve the complaint.
  • All complaints should be resolved within 14 working days of the initial submission.
  • If a resolution cannot be made within the 14 working days, the delegate will be notified and kept updated on any progress.

If you would like to make an appeal against the examination results or process or appeal the outcome of a complaint, you are able to make use of the appeals procedure. CIBSE Training will ensure that the person decision-making in the appeals process will be different from those involved in the original discrepancy.

  • All appeals should be made in writing to CIBSE Training via email to [email protected] within 14 days of receiving their results.
  • An automatic email is sent back confirming that a member of the training team will be in contact, usually via email, within five working days to confirm we have received the submission.
  • A member of the Training Team will reply within five working days detailing the steps which will be taken to handle the appeal
  • An investigation will take place to resolve the appeal.
  • If a resolution cannot made within the 14 days, the appellant will be notified and kept updated on any progress.
  • The appellant will be informed in writing of the outcome of the appeal.

Make an enquiry to CIBSE Training if:

  • You feel there may be a mistake in the exam questions.
  • You are unsatisfied with the outcome of a complaint decision.

Follow this link to CIBSE privacy policy:

To pay via invoice, or if you would like purchase a course on behalf of another delegate please complete our booking form.

* If you are having any difficulties please email us at [email protected].

To access this exam you will need a 'MyCIBSE Learning' account. This can be created in one of three ways:

Method 1: If you are purchasing via invoice, an account will be created on your behalf once you complete our booking form.

Method 2: Using an Enrolment Key

If you have received an enrolment key from the purchaser of the course, you can use it to sign up. The enrolment key is a unique code that links the course to your profile. Simply enter this key during the registration process, and it will allocate the course to you as a learner.

Method 3: Adding Courses to Your Shopping Cart

Another way to sign up is by adding the course you wish to purchase to your shopping cart. Follow these steps:

  1. Browse the available courses on the MyCIBSE Learning portal public dashboard.
  2. Find the course you want to enrol in and click on it for more details.
  3. On the course details page, click the "Add to Cart".
  4. After adding the course to your shopping cart, proceed to checkout.
  5. During the checkout process, you will have the option to "Sign Up".

If you face any difficulties while signing up for the MyCIBSE Learning portal or enrolling in a course, please don't hesitate to contact our support team at [email protected].

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