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CIBSE to deliver joint session at the 2nd International Conference on Moisture in Buildings (ICMB23)

CIBSE to deliver joint session at the 2nd International Conference on Moisture in Buildings (ICMB23)

As part of the 2nd International Conference on Moisture in Buildings (ICMB23), the UKCMB and the CIBSE Health and Wellbeing Working Group will be delivering a joint seminar addressing a critically important subject— the retrofit of existing buildings and moisture management.

Supporting research to address key issues within the building services industry, CIBSE announce shortlist for the 2023 Ken Dale Bursary

Supporting research to address key issues within the building services industry, CIBSE announce shortlist for the 2023 Ken Dale Bursary

With proposals addressing issues around light pollutions, homelessness, and the rapid development of AI, CIBSE announce three finalists for the 2023 Ken Dale Travel Bursary. The Ken Dale Bursary grants the winner up to £4000 to spend three to four weeks travelling the world and researching how different conditions impact the built environment.

Julie Godefroy, CIBSE Head of Net Zero Policy to speak at this year's FOOTPRINT+

Julie Godefroy, CIBSE Head of Net Zero Policy to speak at this year's FOOTPRINT+

FOOTPRINT+ is at the forefront of the UK property industry's low-carbon future allowing professionals to discover the latest techniques whilst connecting with like-minded experts. Taking place on Brighton seafront with views of Rampion wind farm, the location of the event adds a dramatic sense of immediacy and relevance to the talks.

Australian National Energy Performance Strategy - next steps

CIBSE ANZ provided one of 119 responses received by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water to the National Energy Performance Strategy consultation earlier this year. Submissions into the consultation process have now been made public and can be accessed.

Celebrating the Art and Science of Light, SLL welcome Helen Loomes as new President

Celebrating the Art and Science of Light, SLL welcome Helen Loomes as new President

Bridging the gap between the science and art of lighting, the Society of Light and Lighting (SLL) welcomes Helen Loomes as new president. Helen delivered her presidential address and laid out plans for the year ahead at yesterdays, SLL AGM, held at the RIBA on 24 May 2023.

Student Mentorship Pilot Takes Off

Student Mentorship Pilot Takes Off

Recognising the need to cultivate a deeper understanding of the building services industry among university students, the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers Young Engineers Network (CIBSE YEN) has launched a mentorship programme.

ANZ YEN Chair reveals embodied carbon views, common entry mistakes and secrets to an outstanding entry

ANZ YEN Chair reveals embodied carbon views, common entry mistakes and secrets to an outstanding entry

The next frontier of building services that demands attention is embodied carbon. To gain some valuable insights into the theme of the 2023 Young Engineers Awards, we reached out to Niro Siriwardena, Chair of CIBSE ANZ YEN and 2023 Awards judge.

Demand for engineers increasing, with rapid growth in green jobs

Demand for engineers increasing, with rapid growth in green jobs

As the UK ramps up its focus on becoming a net zero economy, a new report commissioned by EngineeringUK finds that demand for engineers is predicted to grow faster than for other occupations and that vacancies for ‘green engineering’ roles in the UK have increased by more than half (55%) over the last 5 years.

Enhancing Engineering Practices and Professional Development in the ANZ Region: Insights from a Collaborative Workshop

Enhancing Engineering Practices and Professional Development in the ANZ Region: Insights from a Collaborative Workshop

In March of this year, CIBSE ANZ took advantage of a visit from the global leadership team to bring together building services consultants and kindred industry organisations over breakfast in Sydney. The objective of this gathering was twofold: to gather insights on the challenges and opportunities surrounding engineering registration, as well as to explore learning and development prospects for new engineers.

2023 CIBSE ANZ Seminar Series: Call for speakers

2023 CIBSE ANZ Seminar Series: Call for speakers

The 2023 CIBSE ANZ Seminar Series is set to kick off on Tuesday, August 22, with the theme of 6 Minutes to Midnight: Insights & practical solutions to make a difference in the built environment by 2030 ...and beyond. The event features five sessions that run each Tuesday from 12-2pm AEST, and each session explores the latest trends and innovations that can help us achieve a sustainable built environment by 2030 and beyond.

BEAMA Launches Future Homes Standard Report to Government and Industry

BEAMA Launches Future Homes Standard Report to Government and Industry

The Government’s commitment to regulate all new residential developments to be Net Zero Ready from 2025 is fast approaching and has laid down a clear direction of travel for building design and construction. Through the second stage of its Future Homes Standard consultation – due to launch later this year – there will be a requirement to future proof all new dwellings with low carbon heating, high performing fabric specification and a complementary ventilation strategy which will focus on the assured health and well-being of occupants.

Kevin Mitchell reflects on his year as CIBSE President

Kevin Mitchell reflects on his year as CIBSE President

As he approaches the end of his terms as CIBSE President, Kevin Mitchell reflects on the previous year and shares some of his highlights for the latest CIBSE President's Blog.

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