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Winners Announced for the Ken Dale Travel Bursary 2020

29 Jun 20

Congratulation to John Smyth and Joey Aoun, who have both been selected as winners of the Ken Dale Travel Bursary 2020. They will each be awarded a grant of £4000 to travel and complete the following research projects in 2021:

John Smyth: ‘How building services can help in the fight against viruses and contaminants’Travelling to Singapore, Australia, Korea, China and Israel

Joey Aoun: ‘The Social Housing Retrofit Challenge: Lessons Learned from Pioneering Projects’
Travelling to UK, Germany, Japan and New Zealand

The award judges have made the decision not to hold an award next year, so that John and Joey can both complete their research and travels in 2021, once COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.

We can’t wait to see the results of both winners’ findings next year.

To find out more about the bursary, please visit

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