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Nominations for Governance Board Chair for UK Net Zero Carbon Building Standard Open
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Nominations for Governance Board Chair for UK Net Zero Carbon Building Standard Open

27 Jun 22

Leading industry organisations Better Buildings Partnership (BBP), BRE, the Carbon Trust, Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE), Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE), London Energy Transformation Initiative (LETI), Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), and the UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) have joined forces to champion this initiative to develop the UK's first Net Zero Building Standard. As part of this initiative, a robust governance structure has been put in place, including the establishment of an initial Governance Board.

As part of the formation of the Governance board for the UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard we are seeking to elect an independent chair. A call for nominations for the position of chair is now open.

Find out more about the governance board and the nominations process via 

The deadline for nominations is 8 July 2022

Purpose of Governance Board

•To provide leadership and facilitate radical industry collaboration with the aim of delivering a Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard that is co-created by a wide range of built environment stakeholders, supported and used consistently across the industry.

Responsibilities of Governance Board

•Taking high-level strategic decisions concerning the direction of the Standard in its development, deployment, and ongoing business model – including financial support for its development and maintenance

•Overseeing the development of the Standard on behalf of contributing / supporting organisations, and aiming to ensure that the views of critical stakeholders are reflected throughout

•Helping to secure the appropriate resourcing for the project, including the development and launch and ongoing resourcing to ensure the Standard can operate as long as it is required

•Overseeing and approving the communications strategy, including the launch of the Standard and its subsequent dissemination

•Actively championing alignment between this standard, and other UK and international net zero carbon building standard

•Advocating for the use of the Standard once deployed, leading discussions with government and industry

If you have any questions or if you would like more information about the development of the UK Net Zero Building Standard, please contact [email protected]

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