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Higher-Risk Buildings Registration

The Engineering Council has developed the Higher-Risk Buildings (HRB) Register to provide clients, residents, employers, and regulators with a higher degree of confidence that engineers are competent to work on Higher-Risk Buildings. It has been designed for the UK engineering profession to assess the competence and commitment of individual engineers and technicians.


Levels of Registration for HRB

Applicants can be registered at EngTech, IEng or CEng level and the Engineering Council holds a publicly accessible register of registrants assessed as competent to work on HRB.

CIBSE has been approved to offer an assessment against the generalist requirements for UK-SPEC HRB and the Building Services Discipline annexe. View the competences required on the Engineering Council's HRB webpage.

CIBSE will be running a pilot scheme for this process, with the aim of being able to offer assessments in 2025.

Register your interest



Registration is open to existing Engineering Council registrants and applicants who have not yet obtained Engineering Council registration. All applicants will need to be able to demonstrate suitable competence to work on Higher-Risk Buildings.

You must be able to meet the criteria in the relevant section of UK-SPEC HRB and be able to demonstrate a track record of relevant experience working on Higher Risk Buildings.



All applicants for the HRB Register will be required to write an Engineering Practice Report demonstrating how they meet the HRB Competences and attend Professional Review Interview.


Yes, you will obtain the relevant grade of CIBSE membership alongside your registration. If you apply for EngTech HRB you will become a Licentiate, for IEng HRB you will become an Associate and for CEng HRB you will become a Member.

You will need to be able to clearly demonstrate that you meet competences outlined in the EngTech, IEng or CEng HRB framework. Review these requirements to determine if you are eligible.

Yes. Successful demonstration of competences and professional review interview for HRB also meets the requirements for the standard EngTech, IEng or CEng Registration with the Engineering Council. You must state at the application stage if you wish to be assessed for both and will incur Registration fees* for both registrations. *Fees determined by the Engineering Council.

You will be required to write an Engineering Practice Report on the HRB Competences and attend Professional Review Interview.

You will be required to submit a technical summary alongside your Engineering Practice Report in order that CIBSE can assess your underpinning knowledge and understanding. You may be requested to provide further information prior to the interview or at the interview stage.

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