Members of CIBSE who hold MCIBSE CEng can apply for a letter of eligibility.
You must meet the following requirements to apply:
- an accredited degree recognised under the Washington Accord, OR qualification that has been assessed as equivalent by Engineers Australia.
- at least four years of post-graduate experience
- at least two years of responsibility for significant engineering work
- Have undertaken a CIBSE Interview to gain MCIBSE CEng.
Before you apply
Prepare the following documents (in separate files) before starting your online application:
- A statement of CPD undertaken for the past two years with reflective practice. View CIBSE's CPD requirements
- A statement of competence, based on updates to your career since your CIBSE Interview. This should also reference how you acquire and apply local engineering knowledge. View Sample Statements.
Ready to apply?
Your documentation will be reviewed by CIBSE.
On successful completion of your assessment, CIBSE will provide you with a letter of eligibility for you to submit to BPEQ.
Useful information
BPEQ Requirements and Application
To maintain your Registration you must meet specific CPD Requirements
Applying and Maintaining your BPEQ Registration