Continuing Professional Development
A list of frequently asked questions about CPD
Absolutely not. CIBSE recognises that many people are developing their skills and knowledge during the course of their work e.g. being trained at work on a new piece of technology, exchanging information at meetings, participating in in-house training and community/public involvement. People have different requirements based on their own needs and while attending courses is useful, it is not essential.
CIBSE expects you to undertake CPD as part of the Code of Conduct. It recognises that CPD is more effective as part of a structured plan and expects you to have identified your goals, planned what you need to do, recorded how you went about achieving your goals and reflected on what you learned and what progress you have made.
Corporate members are required to:
- Take ownership of their learning and development needs
- Undertake a variety of development activities
- Record their CPD activities
- Reflect on what they have learned or achieved through their CPD activities
- Reflect on at least two CPD activities per year and any activity over five hours long
- Evaluate their CPD activities against objectives
- Review and update their professional development plan regularly
- Support the learning and development of others
There is no minimum number of hours of CPD you are required to undertake. Instead, members should focus on the outputs of CPD activity for the maintenance and enhancement of competence, appropriate to the individual and their job role.
CPD enables you to stay ahead of your profession by keeping up-to-date on legal requirements and technical advances, as well as maintaining your personal development
Can you afford not to be involved in CPD in these days of rapid change?