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Cancellation Policy

A considerable amount of resource is needed to arrange a CIBSE interview. Given that a small number of candidates cancel at very short notice or with no notice at all, the Institution has developed a policy to assist candidates requiring an interview.

  • A minimum of 5 working days is required for cancellation prior to the interview. Please note that the interview fee may not be refunded in the event of less or no notice being given.
  • Discretion may be exercised by the Institution in the event that particular, unforeseen circumstances arise, e.g. illness.
  • Under the timetabled system for conducting interviews for Competence Review and Professional Review, should a candidate cancel his/her interview, the Institution cannot guarantee that a new interview can be set up within the same application timeline.

Please help us to provide the standard of service that fellow interviewees and volunteer members conducting interviews can reasonably expect.

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