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2024 Technical Symposium Papers

Fit for 2050 - Delivering buildings and defining performance for a net zero built environment

11-12 April 2024 at the Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University.

Download all 2024 papers here

Below is the programme. 

Day 1 - 11 April

09:15 - 10:00, Main Theatre

Opening address: Adrian Catchpole, CIBSE President
Welcome: Juliet Davis, Head of School at the Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University
Gold Sponsor Address: Eaton

An outlook on cooling in the UK
Graeme Maidment, Science and Innovation for Climate & Energy

10:05 - 11:20, Conference Room 1
: Darren Coppins, Built Physics Ltd

3.1 Energy efficient cleanrooms: Evaluation of ventilation control scenarios through CFD analysis with experimental verification
Muhammad Yasir, EECO2

3.2 Modelling the hydrothermal interaction between spaces inside and outside enclosures in collection care and energy use associated with environmental control strategy
Bo Han, Heriot-Watt University

3.3 The impact of dynamic envelope control strategies on the buildings smart readiness indicator score and its performance
Mevsam Akbari Pavdar, UCL

3.4 Efficiency and comfort in IoT-controlled HVAC:
Exploring flexible setpoints for infrequent office
Khalid Hassan, IES

11:25 - 12:55 - Main Theatre
Andrew Cripps, Triple Point Investment Management 

5.1 Technical efficiency and cost relationships for dominant heat network categories in the UK
Akos Revesz and Ben Noble, Carbon Trust

5.2 Bridging the gap: From disparate data to decarbonisation strategies in UK heat networks
Aya H. Heggy, LSBU

5.3 Huge changes to regulate UK heat networks: Including technical standards, zoning and consumer protection
Phil Jones, Building Low Carbon Solutions & DESNZ 

5.4 Establishing key performance indicators for the UK's heat networks through the Heat Network Assurance Scheme
Lucy Sherburn, FairHeat

5.5 Evaluating the financial impact of non-assurance: The necessity of the Heat Network Technical Assurance Scheme
Jake Adamson, FairHeat



11:25 - 12:25, Conference Room 2
Dan McNaughton, Historic England

7.1 Developing the market for retrofitting heat pumps to non-domestic buildings
Roger Hitchin

7.2 The reality of heat pumps for domestic hot water applications: In search for performance and system congruity
Sean Ehlen, Rinnai UK

7.3 A new simplified energy analysis model for residential heat pump retrofits
Tony Day, LSBU

13:40 - 15:00, Conference Room 1
Hywel Davies

9.1 Optimising building energy use through the fusion of IoT field controls with conventional Building Management Systems -
Richard Fargus, Voytech Systems Limited 

9.2 Towards Sustainable Data Centre Operations: Time Series Machine Learning for Advanced Dew-Point Cooling Performance Forecasting  Zhichu Wang, University of Hull

9.3 Data quality assessment for building performance analysis with pilot case study 
Jill Leung, Arup

9.4 A critical evaluation of the role of the Internet of Things in green building optimization for UK office buildings
Sayuri Sumithrarachchi, University of London

15:20 - 16:00, Main Theatre
Hywel Davies

Five domestic retrofits in South Wales 
Joanne Patterson, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University 

Solid wall end-terrace retrofit
Emmanouil Perisoglou, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University 

Six 1970s off-gas bungalow retrofits
Joanne Patterson, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University 

Three solid wall owner-occupied domestic retrofits 
Joanne Patterson, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University 

Six 1990s domestic retrofits 
Joanne Patterson, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University 

The influence of sleep on perception of thermal comfort
Max Clench, UWE Bristol

Hygrothermal interaction modelling for collection care: Energy-efficient in environmental control strategies
Bo Han, Heriot-Watt University

16:05 - 17:05, Conference Room 1
Emmanouil Perisoglou, Cardiff University

12.1 Evaluation of heat loss coefficients and thermal response rates in residential buildings
Katherine Morris, London South Bank University 

12.2 Occupancy optimisation strategies for energy demand reduction – case study of an educational building
Evelyn Soong, UCL 

12.3 “It's people and not buildings that consume energy and emit CO2”
Adam Selvey, Jacobs 

17:10 - 17:45, Main Theatre

What would you prioritise if you were given £20,000 to reduce carbon emissions from your home? Join some of the industry's leading experts in discussing how best to retrofit the nation's homes.

Chair: Hywel Davies

14.1 Panel Discussion

Tony Day, London South Bank University
Ewan Jones, AECOM
Joanne Patterson, Cardiff University
Ted Pilbeam, Volker Fitzpatrick
Marlena Swan, Loughborough University


10:05 - 11:05 - Main Theatre
Adrian Catchpole, CIBSE President

2.1 Pioneering net zero homes: A study of Bellway "The Future Home" simulation calibration
Christopher Tsang, University of Salford

2.2 Fit for 2050: System-parameters for a low-energy built environment as if 'carbon' matters
Martin Murray, Martin Murray Architects

2.3 Development of an assessment framework for net zero energy residential buildings in Saudi Arabia: A comprehensive review
Raed Alshammari, University of Reading

10:05 - 11:05, Conference Room 2
Anastasia Mylona, CIBSE

4.1 The life cycle impact of London's housing stock refurbishment
Aashika Shibu, UCL

4.2 Paving the way to net zero carbon standards: A guide to designing net zero carbon building in a region that lacks carbon assessment framework
Shweta Salvankar, Cardiff University

4.3 The whole life carbon impact of building services: Drawing insights from Arup's whole life carbon data collection platform
Sarah Bousquet and Rowan Bell-Bentley, Arup

11:25 - 12:40, Conference Room 1
Zoe De Grussa, CIBSE

6.1 The three feedback loops of high performance delivery: As illustrated by a case study at Reading University Life Sciences building
Susie Diamond, Inkling LLP 

6.2 From PROBE to net zero: A study of soft landings contribution Sahar Mirzaie, Heriot-Watt University

6.3 Lessons learnt from my experience of NABERS UK independent design reviews so far 
Claire Das Bhaumik, Inkling LLP

13:40 - 15:00, Main Theatre
Susie Diamond, Inkling LLP

8.1 The impact of uncertain input parameters in dynamic thermal models on overheating assessment 
Marlena Swan, Loughborough University 

8.2 A new algorithm for predicting overheating in predominantly naturally ventilated houses using dynamic thermal models 
Ben Abel, Hilson Moran 

8.3 Assessing noise and overheating in dwellings: aligning acoustic and thermal models for partially open windows
James Healey, Peninsular Acoustics

8.4 Evaluating UKCP18-based weather files for overheating assessment using building simulation: A case study for a flat in London
Hailun Xie, CIBSE & University of Exeter

13:40 - 15:00, Conference Room 2
Akos Revesz, Carbon Trust

10.1 Simulating Behavioural Intelligence for Energy and Comfort Management in Productive Offices 
Farhad Mofidi, Arup 

10.2 The optimised mixed-mode building: Countering AC reliance by re-synchronising the thermal environment with occupant lifestyles in Khartoum
Huda Elsherif, Calfordseaden 

10.3 Evaluating the impact of the government’s “Help for Households” advice to reduce boiler flow temperatures on UK homes Vincenzo Antonio Rossi, Department for Energy Security and Net Zero 

10.4 Reassessment of peak and hourly heat load models pre- and post-COVID
Francesca James, FairHeat

16:05 - 17:05, Main Theatre
Simon Lannon, Cardiff University

11.1 Pioneering energy positive social housing
Brogan Watkins, LGIM and Ashley Bateson, Hoare Lea

11.2 Can office occupants be satisfied with indoor conditions without personal control?
Ant Marsh, Arup 

11.3 Accounting for occupants in current building design and operation practice 
Stephanie Gauthier, University of Southampton 

16:05 - 17:05, Conference Room 2
Julie Godefroy, CIBSE

13.1 Demonstration of Energy Efficiency Potential (DEEP)
– research overview and findings
David Glew, Leeds Beckett University

13.2 Retrofitting heat networks to maximise performance and enable low carbon technologies
Mark Reynolds, FairHeat

13.3 The role of building service engineers in the delivery of whole house energy retrofitting
Joanne Patterson, Cardiff University

Day 2 - 12 April

09:15 - 10:40, Main Theatre
David Glew, Leeds Beckett University

15.1 The exciting potential for further development of the Home Energy Model
John Henderson, Sustenic Ltd 

15.2 Investigating energy performance of build-to-rent buildings in England
Ying Yan Li, UCL

15.3 EPC calculation methodologies across Europe and accommodating new performance indicators 
Mahsa Sayfikar, Heriot-Watt University 

15.4 Understanding the Implications of Achieving EPC C for existing rented flats 
Monica Donaldson-Balan, Mott MacDonald 

09:20 - 10:40, Conference Room 2
Phil Jones, Building Low Carbon Solutions

17.1 Carbon reporting for heat networks
Andrew Cripps, Triple Point Investment Management 

17.2 Heat network optimisation guidance: Standardising the approach to improving the performance of legacy systems 
Tom Burton, FairHeat 

17.3 Development of a new standardised testing regime to improve performance levels of residential heat interface units in the UK district heating market 
Freddie Valletta, FairHeat

17.4 The potential of crematoria as waste heat sources for district heating in the UK 
Henrique Lagoeiro, London South Bank University

11:00 - 12:00, Conference Room 1
Hywel Davies

19.1 Carbon Impact Comparison of Water Recycling Systems 
Rana Traboulsi, Arup 

19.2 Developing international standards for onsite wastewater treatment and disposal systems
Austin Perry, University of Miami 

19.3 Developing a uniform water supply monitoring system: Water system performance assessment & data extraction guidelines (Water-SPADE Guidelines) 
Drew Rich, University of Miami 

13:15 - 14:15, Main Theatre
Mohataz Hossain, Sheffield Hallam University

21.1 Field-testing of a comments analysis methodology for occupant surveys of non-domestic buildings
Roderic Bunn, UCL

21.2 Applying natural language processing to sentiment analysis in building performance evaluation
Sahar Nava, UCL

21.3 User performance Vs. Building performance: Redefining the impact of sociocultural values on indoor air quality in super-insulated homes 
Satish BK, Cardiff University

13:15 - 14:15, Conference Room 2
Susie Diamond, Inkling LLP

23.1 Investigating night ventilation in bedrooms during heatwaves using monitored temperature data
Stephen Watson, Loughborough University

23.2 Making cooling set points fit for the future: An
overlooked opportunity to lower building energy
Max Douch, London South Bank University & Hilson Moran

23.3 Too lightweight, too hot in summer? A time constant model to analyse low-energy building performance
Geoff Levermore, The University of Manchester

14:20 - 15:40, Conference Room 1
Ben Roberts, Loughborough University

25.1 How indoor air quality and infection resilience are shaping building design?
Christelle Escoffier, Hoare Lea

25.2 Evaluating ventilation of concession stands in large sports and entertainment venues using CO2 monitoring 
Filipa Adzic, UCL

25.3 Placement of monitors for quantifying indoor air pollutant exposure in UK homes: Issues for consideration
Giorgos Petrou, UCL 

25.4 Optimising health impact at the building level: The development of a methodology
Alex Siu-Fung Fung, UCL

09:20 - 10:40, Conference Room 1
Anastasia Mylona, CIBSE

16.1 Review of TM65 methodology against environmental product declarations for use in embodied carbon calculations of MEP products 
Camila Colhado Gallo, Arup
Melanie Jans-Singh, BEIS

16.2 Whole life carbon assessment of DOAS ventilation strategies commonly employed in offices
Steven Johnson, Hilson Moran

16.3 Roadmap to establish how fire safety engineers can promote fire safety and low embodied carbon buildings
Grete Wilson, Arup

16.4 Streamlining life cycle assessment for complex MEP products:  Learnings from lighting 
Leela Shanker, WAP Sustainability

11:00 - 12:35, Main Theatre
Roger Hitchin

18.1 Thermoeconomic performance of a CO2 heat pump for space and water heating of a 4 bedroom house in the south of England -
Usman Qayyum, Brunel University London

18.2 Demonstrating the replacement of gas boilers with heat pumps in large buildings in central London
Aaron Gillich, London South Bank University

18.3 Will using air source heat pumps for cooling increase the risk of overheating in cities? – A case study of a future London scenario  Xiaoxiong Xie, Cardiff University

18.4 Predicting the heat pump readiness of existing heating systems in the UK using diagnostic boiler data
Laurence Childs, UCL

18.5 HomeZero: achieving Net Zero Homes with PCM integrated heat pump technologies 
Zsolt Bako-Biro, GT Advanced Ltd

11:00 - 12:15, Conference Room 2
Julie Godefroy, CIBSE

20.1 The commercial retrofit challenge through an occupier lens
Elinor Huggett, Deloitte LLP

20.2 Six 1970s off-gas bungalow deep retrofits - Evaluation of energy and environmental performance before and after
Emmanouil Perisoglou, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University 

20.3 Refurbishment and retrofit of churches - A case study of Ayr St Columba Church
Yikang Tong, UCL

20.4 Case Study on the implementation of PassivHaus design strategies into a large-scale residential development in Central London 
Emily Mansfield, Calfordseaden

13:15 - 14:00, Conference Room 1
Zoe De Grussa, CIBSE

22.1 Illuminating healthcare: Integrating daylight for salutogenic environments at Kenyatta National Hospital
Sheila Owuor, University of Nairobi 

22.2 Impact of daylighting on visual comfort conditions: Regeneration of residential environments
Feride Şener Yılmaz, Istanbul Technical University (ITU)

14:20 - 15:40, Main Theatre
Julie Godefroy, CIBSE

24.1 Embedding net-zero carbon: Whole life cycle carbon for DHW systems
Esam Elsarrag, Hoare Lea 

24.2 Engaging with the estate communities to meet the net zero target 
Sahar Nava, UCL 

24.3 Whole life carbon analysis and framework of
climate control systems for net zero designs
Esam Elsarrag, Hoare Lea 


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