This publication was superseded in August 2022 by LG9 Lighting for communal residential buildings (2022), and should not be used on current projects.
1 Introduction
1.1 Scope
1.2 Chapters
1.3 Terminology
2 Daylight
2.1 Site planning for sunlight and daylight
2.2 Windows
3 General aspects of lighting in communal buildings
3.1 Decor
3.2 Entrances
3.3 Corridors
3.4 Stairs
3.5 Bathrooms and toilets
3.6 Bedrooms
3.7 Lounges
3.8 Lift lobbies
3.9 Recreation areas
3.10 Kitchens
3.11 Laundrettes and utility rooms
3.12 Offices
3.13 Exterior
4 Lighting particular to certain types of communal building
4.1 Homes for the elderly, extra-care housing and residential care homes
4.2 Nursing homes
4.3 Hospices
4.4 Schools
5 Automatic lighting controls
5.1 Dimming
5.2 Switches
5.3 Automatic switching
5.4 Control systems
6 Colour and decoration
6.1 Colour schemes
6.2 Choice of lamps
6.3 Furnishings, blinds and curtains
6.4 Types of finish
6.5 Contrast
6.6 Choice of colours
6.7 Colour as an identifier
6.8 Dual standards within a building
7 Emergency lighting
7.1 Escape and standby lighting
7.2 Legal requirements
7.3 Specific placing of emergency lighting luminaries
7.4 Illuminance on defined escape routes
7.5 Illuminance on floor of open areas
7.6 High-risk task areas
7.7 Luminaires
7.8 Safety signs
7.9 Planning emergency lighting
7.10 Inspection
8 Energy management and energy efficiency
8.1 Key aspects of energy reduction for lighting
8.2 Building Regulations Approved Document Part L
8.3 Energy consumption
8.4 Checklist for Part L compliance
8.5 Advanced calculations of lighting efficiency
9 Maintenance
9.1 Lamp replacement
9.2 Luminaire cleaning
9.3 Luminaire replacement
10 Luminaire types and their uses
10.1 Direct and indirect lighting
10.2 Luminaire efficiency
10.3 Luminaire safety
10.4 General illumination of spaces
10.5 Task lighting
10.6 Exterior luminaires
11 Lamps
11.1 Key characteristics
11.2 Recommendations for use
12 Legislation and key standards relating to lighting
Appendix A1: Types of lamp
Appendix A2: Colour rendering and colour appearance
Appendix A3: Lamp disposal and recycling
Task Group Chair: Benedict Cadbury (Lampholder Lighting Design)
Members: Dr Stephen Howe (Consultant (formerly at GE Lighting); Anthony Slater (Thomas Pocklington Trust)
Contributor: Lou Bedocs
Referees: Simon Robinson; Bob Venning