This revised Lighting Guide replaces LG4 Sports lighting, published in 2006. Recommendations within this guide have been aligned to the British Standard and European Norm (BS EN) 12193 (BSI, 2018). In updating the information, note has been taken of new and emerging sports that were not included in the 2006 guide or BS EN 12193 but which are played in the UK, and of proposed amendments to BS EN 12193. This guide is based only on the use of light-emitting diode (LED) light sources.
The sport requirements and recommendations give specific information relating to good lighting practice for each individual sport. Tabulated lighting parameters are provided for each sports application relative to the new system of lighting classes. The addendum issued in 2015 relating to the lighting requirements for broadcasting has been included and updated.
The revised guide is now in four parts:
– Part A: Principles of lighting with respect to sport
– Part B: Specific lighting requirements for individual sports (indoor and outdoor)
– Part C: Maintenance and operation of sports lighting
– Part D: Specification of equipment for sports lighting
As before, the aim of the guide is to create design flexibility while achieving basic lighting requirements for each sport.
Task Group:
Mike Simpson, Signify (Chair); Giulio Antonutto, Arup; Russell Evans, Griffiths Evans; Richard Morris, Arup; Dr Alan Smith, Independent Lighting; Kevin Theobald, Independent Lighting; Iain Macrae, consultant