In July 2006 CIBSE published Variable Flow Pipework Systems (part of the CIBSE Knowledge Series) which described the two main approaches to the successful design of variable flow heating and chilled water distribution systems. In part, this covered:
- designs utilising self-balancing layouts
- designs incorporating differential pressure control valves (DPCVs)
Due to both the demand and success of this publication, we have published Commissioning of Variable Flow Pipework Systems* - which focuses on the commissioning procedures of these two design processes.
Together, these publications give an excellent overview of both the potential energy savings available if the systems are correctly designed, and the commissioning procedures that need to be in place to ensure optimum energy efficiency.
You can now order this two-part Knowledge Series set at the special price of £30.00 for members and £60 for non-members (individual price would be £20 members/£40 non-members)
To order your set add this offer to your basket or tel CIBSE Publication Sales on 020 8772 3618.