Guide B provides guidance on the practical design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems and is divided into six sections which are published separately:
B0: Applications and activities
B3: Air conditioning and refrigeration
B4: Noise and vibration control for building services systems
The full set is available at a discounted price here: Guide B (full set)
Topics covered in Guide B2: Ventilation and ductwork include:
- Energy and carbon considerations
- System costing
- Design criteria
- Contaminant control
- Fresh air supply rates
- Ventilation for thermal comfort
- Humidity
- Ventilation to avoid interstitial condensation
- Air movement: limiting air velocities
- Air distribution
- Noise
- Systems
- Ventilation systems
- Filtration systems
- Ventilation heat recovery systems
- Duct systems
- Ventilation control systems
- System design
- Designing for natural ventilation
- Mechanical ventilation design
- Mixed-mode ventilation design
- Ductwork principles of design
- Ventilation design calculation techniques
- Ventilation design measurement techniques
- Other design considerations
- Noise
- Fire and smoke protection
- Air leakage
- Equipment
- Fans
- Air control units
- Mixing boxes
- Air terminal devices: diffusers and terminals
- Ventilation air intake and discharge points
- Process exhaust hoods
- Duct equipment
- Ductwork connections
- Natural ventilation equipment
- Commissioning, operation and maintenance
- Testing and commissioning
- Maintenance and cleaning
- Appendix 2.A1: Recommended sizes for ductwork
- Appendix 2.A2: Space allowances
- Appendix 2.A3: Maximum permissible air leakage rates
- Appendix 2.A4: Methods of fire protection
- Appendix 2.A5: Example calculations
- Appendix 2.A6: Techniques for assessment of ventilation
Guide B2 Steering Committee: Peter Warren (Chair), Wayne Aston, Nick Barnard, Colin Biggs, Craig Booth, Eric Curd, Justin Davies, Alan Green, Danny Hall, Jon Hill, Roy Jones, Ray Kirby, Martin Liddament, Peter Rogers, Wander Ter Kiule, Paul White
Referees: John Armstrong, Steve Irving, Marialena Kolokotroni
Corrigenda (May 2018): makes changes to pages 2-16, 2-19, 2-21, 2-22, 2-32, 2-33, 2-35, 2-38, 2-43, 2-44 and 2-59.
Note: This title references BS EN 779: 2012, which has been superseded by BS EN ISO 16890 Air filters for general ventilation. This Eurovent document provides a useful summary of the changes: Eurovent 4/23: Selection of EN ISO 16890 rated air filter classes for general ventilation applications