Guide B provides guidance on the practical design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems and is divided into six sections which are published separately:
- B0: Applications and activities
- B1: Heating
- B2: Ventilation and ductwork
- B3: Air conditioning and refrigeration
- B4: Noise and vibration control for building services systems
- Guide B Combined index
The full set is available at a discounted price here: Guide B (full set)
Guide B1: Heating deals with the selection, design, commissioning, operation and management of most types of heating systems in buildings. It deals specifically with non-domestic buildings, though much of the contents will apply to domestic communal heating. Such systems provide space (including ventilation) heating and/or hot water services and installations such as swimming pools. Virtually every building (outside the tropics), contains a heating system. In most cases its primary purpose is to produce acceptable levels of thermal comfort – paramount for the health and wellbeing of building occupants and provide domestic hot water – or to protect the building fabric or its contents.
Topics covered include:
- Strategic design decisions
- Purposes of heating systems
- External design conditions
- Site related issues
- Interaction with building design, fabric, services and facilities
- Occupancy
- UK regulatory requirements
- Energy performance of building regulations outside the UK
- Environmental performance targets
- Economic considerations
- Future requirements
- Design criteria
- Internal design conditions
- Design criteria for human comfort and well being
- Design criteria for other than human comfort
- Environmental performance target
- Part L Building Regulations 2013 (England)
- Energy and CO2 emissions benchmarks for existing buildings
- NOx, SOx, particulates and greenhouse gases other than CO2
- Environmental assessment schemes
- Choice of system
- General
- System classification
- Choice of centralised or decentralised systems
- Particular applications
- Choice of fuel or energy source
- Choice of heat generator
- Choice of heat emitters
- Choice of distribution medium
- Choice of domestic hot water system
- Heating load calculations and sizing methodology
- General
- Calculation principles
- Room design heating load
- Mechanical ventilation heat loss
- Domestic hot water
- Distribution losses
- Heat generator peak heating load
- Design margins
- Choice of number and duties of heat generators
- Energy sources
- General
- Factors affecting choice of energy source
- Gaseous fuels
- Liquid fuels
- Solid fuels
- Electricity
- Solar source
- Handling and storage of fuels and regulations
- Heat generators
- Choice of heat source
- Boilers
- Gas-fired boilers
- Oil-fired boilers
- Solid fuel boilers (general)
- Solid fuel boilers (biomass)
- Steam boilers
- Combustion of fuels
- Heat pumps
- Combined heat and power
- Solar water heating collectors
- Chimneys and flues
- Corrosion in boilers, flues and chimneys
- Hydronic systems
- General
- Choice of flow and return water temperatures
- General arrangement of LTHW systems
- Secondary circuit(s)
- Primary circuit
- Interface between primary and secondary circuits
- General arrangement of MTHW and HTHW systems
- Integration of renewable/low carbon heat generators
- Heat output rate of heat emitters
- Steam systems
- General
- System design
- Distribution
- Condensate
- Guidance and standards
- Air systems
- General
- Heat sources
- Distribution
- Heating combined with air conditioning
- Controls
- Other standards and guidance
- Unitary systems
- General
- Indirect gas and oilfired heaters
- Direct electric heaters
- Electric underfloor heating
- Standalone heat pumps
- Radiant systems characteristics
- Convective heating characteristics
- Controls
- Domestic hot water systems
- General
- Classification of DHW systems
- Regulations relevant to DHW systems
- Generic dhw systems
- Choice of dhw system
- DHW demand and energy consumption
- Solar hot water heating
- Sizing of dhw systems
- Connecting to heat networks
- Existing UK heat network performance
- Key design points for heat networks
- Networkconsumer interface
- Implications for design of building heating system
- Operation, maintenance and energy management
- ‘Commissionability’ and ‘maintainability’Life cycle issues
- Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (UK)
- Operation and maintenance manuals
- Log books
- Energy management, monitoring and targeting
- Hydronic system design
Corrigenda and reprints
- November 2016: makes corrections to pages: 1-27, 1-30, 1-71, 1-89, 1-90, 1-99, 1-100, 1-106, 1-119 and 1-129
- May 2018: makes corrections to pages: 1-26, 1-37, 1-48, 1-49, 1-51, 1-74, 1-76, 1-153 and 1-163
- June 2019: makes amendments to page 1-147
Guide B1 Steering Committee: Mike Campbell (Chair), Paul Barnard, Robin Curtis, Richard Davies, Tony Day, David Hughes, Simon Mitchell, David Palmer, Chris Parsloe, Martin Ratcliffe, Martin Wilkinson, Paul Woods
Referees: Richard Brailsford, Peter Clackett, Will Pitt