Guide A: Environmental design provides guidance on design criteria and calculation methods such as fabric performance, heating and ventilation system sizing, methods for thermal comfort evaluation and energy demand.
Files supplementing Guide A: Environmental design can be downloaded here:
Chapter 0: blank PAMDOC, PAMDOC example)
Chapter 2: solar radiation, long-wave radiation and daylight; world clear sky solar irradiance tables (by latitude); external design data (worldwide); Figure 2.8 Wind roses for the UK; Table 2.9 Frequency of dry/wet bulb temperatures (June–September); Table 2.12 Solar irradiation on inclined planes; Table 2.13 Solar irradiance on vertical and horizontal surfaces; Table 2.14 Sol-air temperatures; Table 2.19 Frequency of hourly wind speed by direction; Table 2.20 Frequency of hourly wind speed by temperature; Table 2.24 Predicted coincident dry and wet bulb temperatures (summer); Table 2.25 Predicted coincident dry and wet bulb temperatures (winter)
Chapter 5: appendices 7 through 12; Table 5.16 Cooling loads (unshaded) (UK); Table 5.17 Cooling loads (shaded) (UK); Table 5.18 Banded weather data; Table 5.X1 Cooling loads (unshaded) (worldwide); Table 5.X2 Cooling loads (shaded) (worldwide)
Full set of supplementary files (note - this is a large file, so may take some time to download)
Note: This title references BS EN 779: 2012, which has been superseded by BS EN ISO 16890 Air filters for general ventilation. This Eurovent document provides a useful summary of the changes:
Note: Chapter 2 of Guide A supersedes TM34: Weather data with climate change scenarios (2004).
- The design process
- Design calculations quality plan
- Sources of uncertainty
- User issues
- Performance assessment methods (pam)
- Environmental criteria for design
- Notation and definitions
- Thermal environment
- Modelling thermal comfort
- Environmental criteria
- Additional factors potentially affecting comfort
- Outdoor thermal comfort
- Determination of required outdoor air supply rate
- Visual environment
- Noise
- Vibration
- Determination of predicted mean vote (pmv)
- Measuring operative temperature
- External design data
- Notation
- UK near-extreme weather data
- UK cold weather data
- UK warm weather data
- Wet and dry bulb temperatures
- Worldwide weather data
- Solar and illuminance data
- Wind data
- Climate change
- Urban heat island effect
- Thermal properties of building structures
- Notation
- Heat losses from buildings
- Roofs
- Ground floors and basements
- Windows
- Thermal bypasses
- Linear thermal transmittance
- Non-steady-state thermal characteristics
- Moisture content of masonry materials
- Thermal conductivity and thermal transmittance testing
- Heat transfer at surfaces
- Seasonal heat losses through ground floors
- Application of the combined method to multiple layer structures
- Calculation method for admittance, decrement factor and surface factor
- Properties of materials
- Thermal properties of typical constructions
- Ventilation and air infiltration
- Ventilation and air quality
- Ventilating heat loss
- Ventilation systems
- Natural and mixed mode ventilation
- Methods for estimating air infiltration and natural ventilation
- Basic pressure coefficient data
- Summary of measured air leakage data
- Air infiltration development algorithm (aida)
- Thermal design, plant sizing and energy conservation
- Notation
- The role of standards
- Relationship to the design process
- Design calculation quality plan
- Thermal response
- Calculation methods for thermal design
- Heating plant sizing
- Cooling plant sizing
- Summertime temperatures in buildings
- Building energy demand
- Overview of calculation methods
- Equations for determination of sensible heating and cooling loads
- Calculation of operative and mean radiant temperatures
- Banded weather data
- Glass and glazing systems
- Example calculations
- Internal heat gains
- Benchmark values for internal heat gains
- Occupants
- Lighting
- Personal computers and office equipment
- Electric motors
- Cooking appliances
- Hospital and laboratory equipment
- Heat gain from laboratory animals
- Domestic appliances and equipment
- Rate of heat gain from restaurant/cooking equipment
- Moisture transfer and condensation
- Notation
- Psychrometry of water vapour in air
- Moisture content of materials
- Mechanisms of moisture movement
- Surface condensation and mould growth
- Interstitial condensation
- Inside and outside design conditions
- Condensation calculations
- Control of condensation
- Health issues
- Thermal discomfort and health implications
- Humidity
- Air quality and ventilation
- Visual environment
- Water quality
- Electromagnetic effects
- Noise and vibration
- Communities and health
Guide A Steering Committee: Derrick Braham (Derrick Braham Associates) (chair); Brian Anderson (BRE Scotland); David Arnold (Troup Bywaters + Anders); Geoff Levermore (University of Manchester); Martin Liddament (VEETECH Ltd.); Fergus Nicol (Oxford Brookes University); Marialena Nikolopoulou (University of Kent); Foroutan Parand (AECOM); Chris Sanders (Glasgow Caledonian University); David Williams (Parsons Brinckerhoff Ltd.); Runming Yao (University of Reading)