Commercial kitchens continue to be significant water and energy users and their carbon footprint on a business can be considerable. This new and expanded edition of Energy efficiency in commercial kitchens provides updated advice for designers, installers and operators of these facilities in all areas of business and industry on how to minimise their consumption, thereby realising efficiencies in both carbon emissions and operating costs. It has been prepared by a range of industry experts with real-world experience, with the aim of providing practical recommendations that can be applied to all commercial food service facilities, regardless of size.
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1 Introduction
1.1 Dealing with challenges
1.2 Use a qualified foodservice designer
2 New and existing foodservice operations
2.1 New foodservice
2.2 Existing foodservice
3 Developing the catering design brief and strategy
3.1 Developing the brief
3.2 Agreeing the energy strategy
3.3 Financial constraints and budget
3.4 Risks associated with value engineering
3.5 Future-proofing
3.6 Building services considerations
4 Project considerations and design principles
4.1 Geographical location
4.2 Design models and layout
4.3 Deliveries
4.4 Doors
4.5 Daylighting
4.6 Electric lighting
4.7 Natural ventilation
4.8 Waste
4.9 Use of recovered heat
5 Fuels and selection of fuels
5.1 Energy efficient kitchen fuels
5.2 Carbon emission figures
6 Interior finishes
6.1 General
6.2 Materials for kitchen walls
6.3 Materials for kitchen floors
6.4 Materials for kitchen ceilings
6.5 Door types and door closers
6.6 Insulation
7 Environmental targets, energy audits and benchmarking
7.1 Environmental assessment tools
7.2 Energy audits and surveys
7.3 Benchmarking
7.4 Energy benchmarking
7.5 Operational and environmental benchmarks
8 Controls and sub-metering
8.1 Energy controls
8.2 Sub-metering
9 Drainage and kitchen waste removal
9.1 FOG (fat, oil and grease) drain management, bioremediation, GRUs and grease traps
9.2 Refuse and waste disposal
9.3 Food waste other than cooking oils
9.4 Food waste disposers
9.5 On-site, in-vessel composting
9.6 On-site rapid biodigesters
9.7 Pump and vacuum food waste systems
9.8 Cooking oils
9.9 Dry waste
9.10 Balers, can crushers and bottle crushers
10 Water services
10.1 General conservation measures
10.2 Water temperatures and distribution
10.3 Hand washing
10.4 Sink taps, faucets and pre-rinse sprays
11 Ventilation
11.1 General considerations prior to design
11.2 Design criteria
11.3 Energy-saving considerations
11.4 Kitchen HVAC systems
11.5 Ventilation heat recovery
11.6 Lighting for canopies and ventilated ceilings
11.7 Fans and fan motors
11.8 Thermal insulation of ventilation ducts
11.9 Pollution control
11.10 Location of air inlet
11.11 Ventilation system controls
11.12 Commissioning, handover and preventative maintenance
11.13 Self-venting appliances
11.14 Cleaning and maintenance
11.15 Fire suppression
12 Connectivity
12.1 Overview of connectivity and ICT in a commercial kitchen
12.2 How ICT can help
12.3 Advantages of remote access
12.4 Digital food safety applications and equipment performance monitoring
12.5 Energy optimisation systems
13 Foodservice equipment specification
13.1 General considerations
13.2 Principles of life-cycle costing
13.3 Expected appliance life
13.4 Utensil specification
14 Commercial foodservice refrigeration equipment
14.1 Food storage
14.2 Energy test criteria and energy labelling
14.3 Energy saving features
14.4 Refrigeration: climate class
14.5 Refrigeration selection
14.6 Coldrooms
14.7 Refrigerants
14.8 Refrigeration heat recovery
14.9 Reusing existing refrigeration
15 Warewashing: dishwashing, glasswashing and potwashing
15.1 Scope
15.2 Legislation and guidance
15.3 Warewashing equipment
15.4 Opportunities for energy efficiency in warewashing
15.5 BREEAM credits
15.6 Grease management
15.7 Dishwashing ventilation
16 Cooking, hot food holding and display equipment
16.1 General considerations
16.2 Types of cooking equipment
17 Installation, commissioning and handover
17.1 Commissioning
17.2 Handover training
18 Documenting the kitchen
18.1 Design strategy document
19 Managing the building
19.1 Environmental responsibilities of management
19.2 The value of staff training
19.3 Managing staff turnover
19.4 Procurement of supplies
19.4 Managing goods-in and storage
19.5 Managing menu items
19.6 Managing food preparation processes
19.7 Managing cooking processes
19.8 Managing service
19.9 Managing dishwashing
19.10 Managing kitchen waste
19.11 Why kitchens can fail on energy performance goals
20 Building information modelling (BIM)
20.1 Digital engineering and the design process
20.2 Construction Operations Building Information Exchange (COBie)
20.3 Energy savings and whole life costs
20.4 Information
20.5 Geolocation
21 Maintenance and energy efficiency
21.1 The importance of regular kitchen maintenance
21.2 Refrigerator maintenance
21.3 Planned preventative maintenance
21.4 Maintenance contracts
21.5 Employing a maintenance contractor
21.6 In-house maintenance
22 Operational checklist
22.1 Energy and water usage champion
22.2 Waste manager
22.3 Cooking
22.4 Refrigeration
22.5 Fryers and oil
22.6 Dishwashing and portering
Coordinating authors
Roz Burgess (Intelligent Catering Ltd.), Liz Rose (A&E Catering Design)
Working Group 1: Project considerations and kitchen design
Roz Burgess (Intelligent Catering Limited) (co-chair), Liz Rose (A & E Catering Design) (co-chair)
Working Group 2: Kitchen aspects
Roz Burgess (Intelligent Catering Ltd.) (co-chair), Alison Cullin-Woodcock (Clifton Foodservice Consultants) (co-chair)
Working Group 3: Water, waste, fats, oils and grease
Duncan Hepburn (Hepburn Associates) (chair), Peter Galliford (Mechline)
Working Group 4: Equipment
Jackie Snaith (Chapel Foodservice Consultants) (co-chair), Jo Headland (JoH Design Ltd.-Foodservice Solutions) (co-chair), Alison Cullin-Woodcock (Clifton Foodservice Consultants) (co-chair), Michael Eyre (Jestic), Nic Banner (Specifi Global), Steve Elliott (Valentine Equipment Ltd.), Alistair Farquhar (Welbit), Graham Kille (Rational), Steve Wallace (Hobart UK)
Working Group 5: Refrigeration
David Clayton (BSK Design) (co-chair), Rosemary Hare (Foodesco) (co-chair), Simon Frost (Hoshizaki UK), Andrew Galeckyj (True Manufacturing), Malcolm Harling (Williams Refrigeration), Steve Holland (Foster Coldstores Ltd.), Jan Quilliam (Adande Refrigeration Ltd.)
Working Group 6: Ventilation
Steve Cole (Foodservice Ventilation Consultants) (chair), Hayley Davis (HMA Ventilation Ltd.), Phil Gibson (Halton Foodservice Ltd.)
Working Group 7: Warewashing
Keith Winton (Keith Winton Design) (chair), Keith Broadway (Granuldisk), Mick Jary (Meiko UK), Keith O’Brien (Winterhalter), Steve Wallace (Hobart UK)
Woking Group 8: Fuels and connectivity
Liz Rose (A & E Catering Design) (chair), Richard Fordham (Ki-Tech Solutions Ltd.), Rag Hulait (Monika), Graham Kille (Rational UK)
Working Group 9: Building and documentation
Jackie Snaith (Chapel Foodservice Consultants), Jo Headland (JOH Design Ltd.-Foodservice Solutions)
Working Group 10: Environmental and benchmarking
Calton Clarke (CDIS-KARM)
Working Group 11: Management aspects
Matthew Merritt-Harrison (Merritt-Harrison Catering Consultancy) (co-chair), Jon Rook (Panache South Ltd.) (co-chair)
Working Group 12: Operational maintenance
Julian Edwards (GY5 Ltd.)
Working Group 13: Building Information Modelling BIM
John Gillam (JG Associates) (chair), John Mundy (C&C Catering Equipment Ltd.)
Working Groups oversight
Roz Burgess (Intelligent Catering Ltd.)
Peer reviewers
Alan Kiff (Concept Energy Solutions Ltd.), David Kingstone (Buro Happold), Nick Oryino (FEA), Barry Paschali (PASCHALi EEC), Keith Warren (FEA)