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CIBSE Building Services Consultancy of the Year (over 100 Employees)
Outstanding contribution to the design or refurbishment of buildings to meet client expectations of energy performance.
Hoare Lea
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A guiding principle of international MEP consulting engineer Hoare Lea is to maintain a laser-like focus on the true performance and energy in use of the buildings with which it is associated. That's why it doesn't see its job ending when the project is finished; rather, consider it a requirement to stay involved post completion with processes like seasonal commissioning, to ensure that what has been installed works under all likely conditions.
This far-sighted business remains wholly owned by its partners, giving it independence of thought and a freedom that enables it to concentrate considerable effort on exceeding the expectations of its clients.
Hoare Lea, which has more than 150 years of design experience, is a business that puts people at the heart of everything it does. The main aim of its 2015-2020 people strategy is to create the best possible place to work by fostering a positive culture where talent can flourish.
Its graduate and placement programme recruits between 50 and 60 people every year; the intake for 2015 was a record-breaking 62 graduates. With 614 training days recorded for 2014, towards achieving Chartered Engineer, Incorporated Engineer and Engineering Technician status, Hoare Lea is clearly committed to professional development and supporting its people.
Its home-grown graduate exchange programme offers graduates the valuable opportunity to raise their interdisciplinary awareness by encouraging a holistic approach to building design through secondments with architects. To date this popular scheme has placed 104 graduates with architects including Broadway Malyan and Stride Treglown, and received 93 of their graduate staff in return.
This progressive consultancy maintains and develops a knowledge policy and guidance material and in-house developed design tools.
Hoare Lea demonstrates a collaborative approach to learning, creating opportunities to share knowledge across all its offices internationally and across the industry. But its ambitions don't stop there. It is also investing £225k over four years for the advanced manufacturing of homes, focusing on MEP and digital engineering to develop offsite manufactured MEP sub assemblies. It also invests over £125k a year into its research programme and, to further strengthen its resource, it has established an outsource facility in Pune, India employing more than 50 people.