Client Energy Management Award
British Land (Portfolio) - British Land
British Land takes the trophy for Client Energy Management once again, making it a memorable night for the property giant.
Since winning the Client Energy Management Award last year, British Land has achieved even greater reductions across its portfolio, no mean feat as savings become progressively harder to realise year on year. It has cut landlordinfluenced energy by 33% since 2009 (improving on the 27% reduction last year). This has saved occupiers £5.2 m and cut carbon emissions by 39,600 tonnes. British Land has achieved much greater landlord reductions than its UK peers, and has invested £2.2 m to drive further reductions.
Implementing good energy and building management practices is vital if the UK is to dramatically improve energy efficiency and cut carbon emissions in existing buildings. British Land estimates that the following measures have
generated most of its reductions across the office portfolio:
- 15% from aligning central plant run times with occupiers' operational requirements
- 10% by eliminating heating and cooling conflicts, and increasing intake of external ambient air
- 5% by adjusting set points
- 5% from installing light sensors or replacing lighting in the common parts.
Having achieved a signifi cant change in culture with its building engineers and managing agents, British Land is now working closely with its building management system (BMS) contractors to drive more functionality from the BMS. Its work with the Better Buildings Partnership and other partners has contributed to the development of a prototype Landlord Energy Rating tool that can accurately compare landlord energy efficiency between commercial buildings. British Land has also uploaded data for 13 major buildings to CarbonBuzz so that they can benchmark their energy use and allow others to do the same.
In 2013, occupiers rated satisfaction with British Land as 7.8 out of 10, well ahead of the industry average of 5.1. British Land takes the trophy for Client Energy Management once again, making it a memorable night for the property giant.
Project Team
Broadgate Estates / Colliers International / Montagu Evans / Munroe K / Savills / Smith Young/Workman
Property owner: British Land
Aston University (Birmingham Campus) - Aston University
M&G Real Estate Shopping Centres (Various UK) - M&G Real Estate
UK Power Networks (Bankside Substation, London) - Arup