This reference defines best practices for energy survey and analysis for purchasers and providers of energy audit services. This full-color edition provides updated guidance and tools for energy consulting engineers, LEED professionals, real estate professionals, building owners and building managers. Expanded since its LEED-referenced 2004 publication, this book details energy auditing methods and provides new sample forms and templates that illustrate the content and arrangement of a complete, effective energy analysis report. The second edition: Provides a reference guide for building owners, managers, and government entities as to what to expect from an audit Establishes guidelines for Levels 1, 2 and 3 of audit effort Shows how to conduct effective energy audits that lead to actionable audit reports Includes more than 25 guideline forms plus access to the online forms* in spreadsheet format for easy customization NOTE: Unlike its previous version, this second edition does not include a CD. For full access to the book's audit forms, follow the exclusive link provided on page XI of the preface in both the print and digital versions.