From Michael Bottomley Chair, CIBSE Lifts Group
At the Lifts Group AGM in February 2024, I announced that the CIBSE Special Interest Lifts Group would evolve into the Society of Vertical Transportation (SoVT) aiming for this transition to be complete towards the end of 2025.
This transformation represents our commitment to advancing the vertical transportation industry globally.
As a society, we will continue to offer regular Vertical Transportation (VT) continuous professional development (CPD) seminars, accessible to all, regardless of geographic location or CIBSE membership. Additionally, we will:
- Publish industry-leading resources, including CIBSE Guide D.
- Support global initiatives such as the Lift and Escalator Symposium.
- Serve as an international forum for discussion for anyone interested in the lift and escalator industry.
Importantly, the new society will provide a pathway to industry-specific professional registration, recognised globally through CIBSE and the Engineering Council.
Why the Change?
Recent years have seen significant global shifts in building safety standards, underscoring the need for greater competence in high-risk sectors like vertical transportation. For instance, the UK's Building Safety Act, introduced in response to the Grenfell Tower tragedy, has implemented some of the most substantial changes in building safety regulations in the past 50 years. This Act places new responsibilities on building owners and developers, making it a criminal offence to hire consultants or workers on high-risk buildings without ensuring their competence.
While many industries have established professional qualifications to meet such regulatory demands, the vertical transportation sector is now poised to introduce similar standards. The SoVT aims to fill this gap, providing clear pathways to professional recognition that meet these new global expectations.
Pathways to Membership
Prospective members will follow CIBSE’s routes to registration following the Engineering Council required competence and can gain Engineering Technician, Incorporated Engineer or Chartered Engineer alongside SoVT membership. Members will be supported with their application and assessed by VT interviewers. All that is required is to select Vertical Transportation as their discipline when they apply. Details of the routes to registration are online at
The Society of Vertical Transportation will meet the needs of the global industry, ensuring that recipients of membership are recognised for their expertise and professionalism. We will also offer mentoring, CPD seminars, and guidance toward further learning or training opportunities as applicable.
Contact us
The CIBSE Special Interest Groups are run by volunteers. If you have a question, or would like to make a suggestion, fill out the contact form to be put in touch with the committee.
By filling out the form, you consent to your information being shared with the committee members.