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Lifts 308

Lester Controls kindly hosted the first CLG Scotland Regional Seminars on 30 April 2024 in Glasgow. 

CLG Chair, Michael Bottomley welcomed everyone.

He kick started the free event by talking through the CLG's plan to transition to a society in 2025, the reasons behind this initiative and the potential benefits to the CLG members.

Michael also reiterated the upcoming CLG Events for 2024 and for all to stay updated by following the CLG website and via Linkedin.

Our new CLG Committee Events Organiser - Erkan Soydan was present to record the event.

Tapadh leibh!


Videos and Slides:
Welcome opening by Michael Bottomley

Seminar1 - Accessible Goods only lifts (AGOL) - David Cooper , LECs UK was presented by Michael Bottomley / PDF

Seminar 2 - 7255: 2023 Safe Working on Lifts. Code of Practise - Nick Mellor was presented by Phil Pearson (Video and Slides not approved for sharing by Nick Mellor)

Seminar 3 - Codes and Standards Update - Phil Pearson / PDF


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