The Heat Networks Group has the following broad objectives
- help CIBSE members become aware of the opportunities, feasibility and economics for Heat Networks,
- Influence Heat Network policy where appropriate,
improving links with educational institutions and others, to promote technical knowledge, and encourage young people into STEM careers.
- encourage best practice in the deployment of Heat Networks by ensuring:
o the continuous improvement in the quality of feasibility studies, design, construction, commissioning and operation of Heat Networks
o Heat Networks are designed, commissioned and operated correctly
o users appreciate the need to monitor and evaluate performance, and how optimum operating strategies for Heat Networks may be achieved,
- keep members aware of the latest developments in new technologies, such as Ground and Air Source Heat Pumps etc.
- provide a forum to explore the lessons that can be learned from existing Heat Network installations,
- provide authoritative, accurate and independent information
- keep CIBSE members aware of market conditions and government initiatives related to Heat Networks
- encourage links with other institutions and organisations