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SLL Circadian Lighting Position Statement

It is clear that further clarity is required with regard to the topic of circadian lighting. This relates to what is currently understood about non-visual effects of light and to claims being made about the potential benefits of circadian lighting.

In the following document, the Society of Light and Lighting outlines its current position on this topic. This document outlines the Society’s understanding of the term ‘circadian lighting’ and looks to highlight areas of established research that relate to the topic, providing an overview of what is commonly accepted as a result of sufficiently robust research and evidence.

Additionally, this statement seeks to outline areas where further research is required. The intention is not to reach a decisive conclusion but to raise awareness of the areas where more information is required.

SLL Circadian Lighting Position Statement - Version 2 (July 2020)
SLL Circadian Lighting Position Statement - April 2019

The intention is for this document to be reviewed and updated on a regular basis.

Whilst references are made to existing and ongoing research within the document, this is by no means an exhaustive list.

Should you wish to suggest further resources or studies, please contact [email protected]

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