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The inaugural ROLAN conference took place 12 & 13 May 2022 and was hosted online with internationally renowned expert speakers and panel discussions focused on the topic of responsible outdoor lighting connecting both research and practice.

Organising such a conference connecting lighting research with lighting practice was the idea of Dr. Eng. Arch. Karolina M. Zielinska-Dabkowska, IALD, IES, CIE, MSLL, RIBA. Karolina approached the SLL to become the conference organisation partner and preparations began to deliver ROLAN 22.

The conference Founding Partners are IALD, IDA, IES, illume, ILP, SLL and LIA.

The conference featured 31 speakers over four dedicated sessions:

  • Losing our dark nights
  • Best lighting practice(s) to reduce light pollution
  • Light pollution's legal aspects
  • The impact of light exposure at night on the environment and humans

To access the video recordings of the presentations please complete this form

You can view the ROLAN 22 conference website with information including: the conference programme, speakers, committees, partners, sponsors, and press

As the conference came to a close, Karolina asked the Founding Partners if they would be willing to help draft a manifesto dedicated to protecting the night-time environment. There was no hesitation in agreeing and from that willingness the ROLAN Manifesto for Lighting Professionals was created. All are encouraged to design lighting installations adhering to the manifesto.

ROLAN Manifesto for Lighting Professionals

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