Last updated 2023
The Institute of Local Exhaust Ventilation Engineers (ILEVE) is pleased to present its Competency Matrix for Laboratory LEV work.
The matrix has been collated by industry leaders for duty holders and responsible persons who are associated with laboratory LEV systems by illustrating the level of experience, skills, and competence anticipated by both internal and external contributors.
The matrix should be used to highlight shortcomings to ensure that competence expectations are cross-checked by competent members of staff managed by competent professionals (both engineering and duty holders).
The matrix offers guidance for the following specific roles involved with laboratory LEV:
- Design of Systems
- Preparation of Specification and Quotation
- Installation & Commissioning of systems and devices.
- Thorough Examination and Test of systems (TExT).
- Maintenance of a LEV device and system.
- Changes, amendments and verification of a system or device.
Across these subheadings, the committee has discussed a multitude of courses (BOHS approved and others), UK and international standards, ACOP, Technical Specifications and industry (HSE, CLEAPSS, BESA, ILEVE) guidance associated with this discipline.
The subsection headings have then been apportioned into essential and desirable learning for the specific duties associated with the roles described.
The matrix also suggests the industry indication of where each stakeholder’s knowledge and experience level should sit within that specific topic with a basic 1, 2, 3 classification reference, with 3 representing in-depth, detailed knowledge.
For example, the matrix suggests an “Organisation Technical Engineering Manager” would be level 3 rated at “Technical performance measurement” to undertake a Thorough Examination and Test Visit.
The ILEVE subcommittee trusts the industry will endorse this matrix and support its use to cross-reference skill sets and experience required/available both internally and externally to identify the competence that can support the goal of ensuring people stay safe whilst at work when LEV systems are specified to afford protection against identified harmful substances.
Use the links below to download (as a PDF) the requirements/knowledge for each role.
Employer related roles
- The Employer Duty Holder System Owner
- Employer-appointed Responsible Person
- Employer’s Plant Supervisor
- Process operators
Industry related roles