Any organisation involved in Building Services that is interested in developing connections within CIBSE can apply for CIBSE Patrons membership.
Current annual membership of the Patrons scheme costs £550 plus VAT.
Organisations wishing to join CIBSE Patrons must give an undertaking to work to the CIBSE Code of Conduct and commit their support to CIBSE's policies on:
Continuing Professional Development
Health and Safety in Design
If you have any queries or require further information email [email protected]
Join the CIBSE Patrons

Joining Patrons FAQs
To create an official means for organisations to engage with CIBSE - fostering collaboration, knowledge exchange, and networking between CIBSE Patrons and the broader CIBSE community.
You can complete the online form
Any organisations involved in Building Services who have an interest in developing connections within CIBSE
Membership is £550 + VAT per annum