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Fellows Network

The CIBSE Fellows Network is an active international network of CIBSE Fellows - the most senior grade of CIBSE membership. The network is designed to benefit Fellows by offering networking opportunities while supporting CIBSE and the wider industry by capitalising on their knowledge and skills.

Aims of the CIBSE Fellows Network

  • Provide an active and informative network for CIBSE fellows.
  • Engage in wider industry forums and networks, and help to promote CIBSE’s work and impact.
  • Work with the CIBSE technical team to provide a proactive and international source of expertise and resources for CIBSE panels, Interviews, Working Parties, Technical Steering Groups, Standards representation and active involvement in other CIBSE work.
  • To encourage mentoring and transfer of experience to the next generation of CIBSE members, particularly through links with YEN and WiBSE.

Joining the CIBSE Fellows Network

All existing Fellows of CIBSE will be registered as members of the network and newly elected Fellows will automatically be added to the Network. Activity is voluntary but is an opportunity for continuing professional development and contributes to maintaining personal development. Membership of the network is free.

Join the group on LinkedIn.

Find out about the Fellow membership

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