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CIBSE Mentoring

CIBSE Mentoring is designed to match professionals who are mentors and mentees, based on their expertise and skills. 

Not to be confused with the role of the Sponsor for chartership applications, and aligned with our commitment to supporting members of CIBSE with their professional development, the online platform is open to mentees (individuals looking for a mentor) and to mentors who wish to share their expertise and knowledge with the new generation of professionals. We offer online resources, advice and guidance to help you make the most of the mentoring experience.

A mentor can help a mentee by providing:

  • Support and encouragement from an adviser, outside of their work colleagues, who can provide feedback to help them improve their self-confidence and help to find solutions in overcoming new challenges.
  • A network of expertise to draw on, which can help to develop a greater understanding of the profession and gain insight into what is recommended to grow professionally.

Log in to your CIBSE Mentoring account

Please note, CIBSE Mentoring is a membership benefit and is only available to current members of CIBSE (Student, Graduate, Affiliate, Licentiate, Associate, Member or Fellow membership holders). Anyone can become an Affiliate member of CIBSE today and access our online mentoring service.

Download our Mentoring Poster

The platform is designed for the mentorships to be initiated by the mentee.

Want to become a CIBSE Mentee?

You can sign up as a CIBSE Mentee if there is a goal or area you would like to focus on

Find your mentor

Want to become a CIBSE Mentor?

You can sign up as a CIBSE Mentor if you feel that you could support other professionals

Register as a Mentor

Any questions?

If you have questions, send us an email.

Contact us

Mentoring Skills Workshop

This interactive and practical workshop supports engineers to explore how developing their mentoring and communication skills can enrich the quality of their and their mentees’ professional practice.

Role of the Sponsor

CIBSE Mentors are not to be confused with Sponsors for membership applications. You can use the mentoring platform to find a sponsor but we have two rules on who can be a sponsor:

1. You must have known your sponsor for at least one year in a professional capacity.

2. Your sponsor must be at the level you are applying for or above. For example, if you were applying for Member (MCIBSE) they would need to hold MCIBSE themselves or CEng with a different institution.

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