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Whitecroft Lighting Ltd

Circular Lighting in the Built Environment From international targets to individual choices, delivering sustainable project solutions has never been greater. However, how do we deliver circular solutions that balance the economic, environmental and social needs of clients. Whilst some sustainability models look at how to minimise the negative impact of the built environment, the circular economy provides a model of sustainability that enables us to deliver a positive impact on the built environment. This presentation will look at what is circularity, current guidance, what is Cradle to Cradle accreditation systems, and how circular lighting can be delivered in an accessible way. Relighting Spaces in the Built Environment With 80% of the built environment already in existence today, the choices we make in delivering low carbon, environmentally considered solutions must go beyond simply considering the operational efficiency of an installation. This presentation will look at what good lighting looks like for an existing space and how we can utilise already installed assets to deliver the lowest carbon impact without compromising on the needs of people.

Designing for Low Carbon versus Low Energy

Through market forces and legislation LED technology has reached maturity within the built environment. The main reason for this transition has been the operational energy savings made possible against previous technologies.

However, the environmental pressures and responsibility of the built environment to do more has never been more prevalent, with significant focus on ‘Net Zero’ within our sector, and this is more than simply energy efficiency.

This presentation will look at how effective lighting solutions in a low ‘carbon world’ will have to go beyond simply striving for more efficient lighting solutions with a whole life mindset needed if we are to maximise the opportunity LED lighting has given us. 

  • Electrical & Lighting
  • Sustainability
Electrical & Lighting;Building Design;Energy Efficiency
Timothy Bowes
Head of Lighting Application
• WELL advisor for Lighting Concept
• Contributor to TM66: Creating a Circular Economy in the Lighting Industry
• Member of the Society of Light & Lighting Education Committee
• Former Vice Chair LIA luminaire and Lighting Technical Committee
• MSSL, ILP Affiliate
• Task Group Member
o BSI: BS8887 – Lighting Remanufacturing
o UKGBC: Material Reuse Working Group
o SLL Lighting Guide 2: Lighting for Healthcare Premises
Seminars or Webinars;Online and Video Learning;On Site at Provider’s Location;On Site at Our Location;Presentations;Lunch & Learn
1 hr
Free of Charge
  • North West England
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