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Washroom Efficiency Services Ltd

Washroom Efficiency Services Ltd

Seminar 1

A new and informative CPD type seminar explaining the operational differences between PIC valves and EPI valves for water distribution systems. Looking at and explaining the different designs, the application, the operation to achieve design flow and the operation to control to ∆T (difference between flow and return).


The seminar is aim at helping Engineers gaining an understanding of the impact on the energy equation, the different approaches to flow control and differential pressure. Flow and return temperatures are explored as part of the design. The focus is on understanding the two different technologies to allow more informed decision making.


Further understanding of Intelligent and Smart actuators are discussed and explored. Highlighting, differences, and application in new and existing water distribution systems. Designing water distribution systems to BSRIA BG29 2021 is discussed, as well as the operation and control of end of line Bypass valves.


The seminar discusses the possibility of using Smart actuators with BACnet capabilities to provide control of the complete water distribution system. The concept has been titled the Demand Controlled water Distribution System that looks at water temperatures and flow and makes the best use of the data to provide maximise energy efficiency.

Seminar 2

A new and informative CPD type presentation on the various radio standards available and the design choices that the different Radio standards give for various applications. Wireless devices are used by most of us but how much do you know about the technology we rely on and why don’t we trust it to do more? 


The different radio standards are explained for different applications such as low energy solutions such as EnOcean, Bluetooth mesh systems and long distance wireless LoRaWAN are discussed. Other Wireless standards are discussed and technically compared. Physical pairing of devices using manual methods, Gateway/controllers and more controls solution including Apps. 


The advantages of moving from a wired leak prevention and detection system to a wireless leak prevention and leak detection system including the benefits of the wireless considerations in design and BMS control. A brief explanation of how wireless communicate between wireless components. 

Seminar 3

EnOcean wireless leak prevention and detection design and application, building a wireless system from sensing the leak to BMS and email notification. Different wireless components including light relays, PIR sensors, valve controllers and water sensors. Pairing and connecting devices is included, as is transmitting the message to notify maintenance

A new and informative CPD type presentation on EnOcean wireless leak prevention and detection systems. Products of a Wireless leak prevention are discussed with schematic information. How wireless leak detection can be added to the existing system without control panels. Explanation of how a wireless system from sensing the leak to the BMS and email notification is constructed.  


Some basic wireless design information which includes positioning of the antenna and the penetration of various types of walls. Different wireless components including light relays, PIR sensors, valve controllers and water sensors. Pairing and connecting devices is included, as is transmitting the message to notify maintenance. 

  • Energy Efficiency
  • Plumbing & Pipework
  • Water
Water;Energy Efficiency;Sustainability

Martin Lowe Business Development WES Products, 2:1 Degree in Building Services. Specialist in water distribution systems for heating and chilled water within buildings. Knowledge of valves, balancing, Commissioning, Smart actuators and BMS Controls. Chairman of the Commissioning Specialist Association Technical Committee 1997-2001, during the rewrite of CIBSE Commissioning Code W water distribution systems. Contributed to BSRIA documents. Worked for Hattersley Valves as a Valve Design Engineer and T&A Technical Manager. Promoted and trained Consultants in the use of Manual Balancing valves, Autoflow Valves, Differential Pressure Control valves, PIC valves. Consulted in the design, application and commissioning of PIC valve for a manufacturer. Worked to incorporate PICV designs into complete valve assemblies for terminal appliances. Understand the design, sizing and application of PICV fitted with Smart actuators. 

Have worked with two different wireless Radio standards EnOcean and Casambi Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). Understand the application and equipment requirements of wireless systems.   

Seminars or Webinars;On Site at Our Location;Other
1 hr
Free of Charge

Seminar 1

Demand Controlled water Distribution Systems The seminar is aim at helping all Engineers gaining an understanding of the impact on the energy equation, the different approaches to flow control and differential pressure. The focus is on understanding the two different technologies to allow more informed decision making.

Seminar 2

Wireless systems with minimal wires are improving the control of buildings. This seminar helps all Engineers understand the basic differences between wired and wireless systems. If further exams the type of Wireless controls available. Useful for those who have little or no knowledge of wireless systems.

Seminar 3

Focusing on a know requirement to prevent and detect leaks. All Engineers are taken through the design of mounting wireless devices, connecting those devices to make a wireless circuit and the products to convey the message to a BMS controller with WIFI capabilities.

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