Sizing Domestic Hot Water Systems for Commercial Environments
Rules and principles of practical domestic hot water sizing, including common pitfalls of over-and under-sizing.
Comparisons of sizing estimates and guidelines to real water usage data. A review of the types of systems and the suitability of appliance technologies for various demand profiles.
An in-depth analysis of peak periods of demand and sources of demand within buildings.
Worked examples tailored to applications suitable for the audience.
Maximising Contribution from Solar Thermal Systems
An overview of solar thermal technology, its developments, common issues, and ways to maximise output.
Protection against overheating and stagnation using Drainback technology.
Review of correct solar thermal system installation and operation.
Coverage of Solar Swap and heating load contributions.
A look at building regulations and renewable heat incentives.
Best Practices For Electric Based Commercial Hot Water Systems
Understand the specification of electric water heating
Direct electric and low carbon methods including solar thermal and, in particular, air source heat pumps
You will gain an understanding of the challenges and issues surrounding commercial electric water heating and the importance of pairing kW to litres when designing a system
Best Practices for Heating DHW with Heat Pumps
•Low energy/ high storage vs high energy/low storage system hot water systems
•Designing Heat Pump preheat systems
•Intro to new refrigerants
•Designing high temperature heat pumps as water heaters
•Comparing HP preheat to HP water heating systems
•Other heat pump technologies:
District heating
Combining water source with air source
- Sustainability
- Water
Bill Sinclair: Technical Director
Vincent Ng: Business Development Manager
- Southern England