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Sustainability in the HVAC Sector

This CPD Presentation will give and introduction and overview of a sustainable HVAC

Project and Product Design towards the Net-Zero-Carbon target.

This includes the following topics:

- Basics/Motivation (Greenhouse Effect / Net Zero Carbon)

- Difference between Operational and Embodied Carbon

- Building Lifecycles

- Materials used within the construction industry

- Introduction of the CIBSE TM 65

- Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs)

- Key findings of the CIBSE TM 65, Part 1

- BCO Guide update 2023

- Solutions for a NZC Office Design

Sustainable Trench Technology

This CPD presentation will give an introduction and overview how to design and select sustainable trench technology solutions for Net Zero Carbon projects.

This includes:

- The motivation

- Available Trench Technology options

- Room comfort with using Trench Technology

- How to select Trench Technology products

- Connections and interfaces between trench products and other trades

- How to integrate trench products in modern Architecture

- Relevant Standards

  • HVAC
Dipl.- Ing. Thorsten Niehoff M.Sc.
Technical Director Kampmann UK Ltd.
Seminars or Webinars
1 hr
Free of Charge
  • London
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