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Nominations for President, Board and Council

There's no better way to make a contribution to our profession than to be a member of one of the bodies that shape its future.

We know we will only maintain our position at the forefront of the industry if we continue to champion new ideas and provide a platform to those who seek to inspire change.

That's why we are actively seeking participation from members who may not have considered nominating themselves before.

We sincerely hope that could be you.

You can nominate yourself to The Board or to The Council, or suggest a colleague who would like to be considered and who you believe meets the eligibility criteria.

Take a look at how Institution Officers and Board and Council Members are selected below. 

The Board

The Board is the Institution's governing body. It is made up of seven Officers (President, President-Elect, three Vice-Presidents, Honorary Treasurer and Immediate Past President) and five elected members. Under the new arrangements, the Vice Presidents and Honorary Treasurer are appointed by the Board, but the President-Elect and Board Member positions may be subject to an election if there are more candidates than vacancies.

The Council

The Council is a much larger consultative body that advises the Board on Institution policy. It is made up of representatives of the Regions, Societies, Groups and Standing Committees, and has a number of places for elected members.

The Nomination Panel

Your nomination for the Board or the Council will be considered by the Panel. It will make recommendations to the Board.

If your board nomination is not progressed by the Board, you can ask for ten Corporate Members to support you to take part in a ballot to members.

Remember that the nominations are open to all members who fulfil the requirements. CIBSE is actively seeking nominations that reflect the breadth of our membership. We would particularly encourage anyone who feels that people with their background, heritage or life experiences are currently not represented at Board or Council level to come forward.

Requirements and Application Process

Whether you are considering nominating yourself or a colleague, take a look at the eligibility requirements below.

Eligibility Requirements

Qualifying Criteria and Role Descriptions

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How to apply

Note 2024 applications are now closed.

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