The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers requires high standards of its members. In particular, all are required to observe the CIBSE Code of Professional Conduct. All members are required to order their conduct in accordance with this Code.
The Institution has a Disciplinary Procedure. Its purpose is to regulate membership of the Institution. Complaints made against a member that they have acted in a manner which breaches the Institution's Code of Conduct can be investigated and appropriate sanctions imposed when a breach has been found to have occurred. The Institution's Board has the power to censure, suspend or expel members where it is satisfied that there are grounds for such action.
The Institution will not take any action which might prejudice the outcome of any current legal proceedings or any legal proceedings which may take place in future. Contractual or other legal disputes between members and their clients can only be resolved by negotiation between the parties or by due process of law. The Institution has no powers to make any ruling or provide any remedy in such matters, and will not attempt to consider or resolve such disputes through its Disciplinary Procedure. However, where a court judgement has been made against a member of the Institution, that judgement may be taken into account by the Institution as part of its investigation into a complaint made against a member which relates to the same circumstances.
Complaints will be investigated by the Disciplinary Panel and those that are upheld will be published along with the action that is taken against a member. Where a member is expelled the Institution requires that membership certificates are returned and any designatory letters relating to CIBSE membership are removed from any business cards, stationery and marketing material.
To make a complaint against a CIBSE Member please email [email protected] or write to the Secretary of the CIBSE Professional Conduct Committee, CIBSE, 91-94 Saffron Hill, London, EC1N 8QP, United Kingdom stating the nature of the complaint and the clause of the Code of Conduct that it relates to.