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CIBSE Bronze Medal 2024 Winner Gita Maruthayanar CEng FCIBSE

Gita was awarded a CIBSE Bronze Medal for her contribution to and leadership of the CIBSE Home Counties North West region. Gita has sat on the regional committee for about a decade, more recently as Chair and Honorary Treasurer. 

Since becoming Chair in 2021, Gita has hosted three HCNW AGMs, focusing on fostering diversity and recruiting new volunteers. Her coordination of keynote speakers and joint events with other committees has seen a rise in participation at hybrid events with CIBSE YEN, YEPG, HCSW and HCNE. Having good relations with other committees, Gita has co-ordinated a successful programme of events such as NABERS related briefing, Building Safety Act, and most recently a talk on Smart Buildings/AI. Gita has maintained the Region’s links with other professional bodies too, such as the IET, IMechE, and arranged to spread the Regions message.

Outside CIBSE, Gita has been a member of the Rumford Club, BCO and CTBUH Committee where she has been promoting CIBSE Membership and Professional Registration. 

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