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This edition of CP1 has been archived, and should not be used on current projects.
The new edition is available here: Heat networks: Code of Practice for the UK (2020)
Part A – How to use this Code
i. Introduction
ii. Scope
iii. Legislation
iv. Applications for heat networks – challenges and opportunities
Part B – The Requirements
1. Preparation and briefing
Objective 1.1 To commission the project in accordance with the Code of Practice
Objective 1.2 To agree contracts that are fair and equitable with customers
Objective 1.3 To define appropriate service levels for the heat supply
2. Feasibility
Objective 2.1 To achieve sufficient accuracy of peak heat demands and annual heat consumptions
Objective 2.2 To identify the most suitable low carbon heat sources and location of an energy centre
Objective 2.3 To determine the location of top-up and standby boilers and use of existing boilers
Objective 2.4 To select suitable operating temperatures
Objective 2.5 To define heat network distribution routes, pipe sizes and costs
Objective 2.6 To determine building connection costs including heat metering
Objective 2.7 To minimise the negative impacts of phasing the development
Objective 2.8 To assess operation and maintenance needs and costs
Objective 2.9 To conduct a consistent economic analysis and options appraisal
Objective 2.10 To analyse risks and carry out a sensitivity analysis
Objective 2.11 To assess environmental impacts and benefits
Objective 2.12 To develop preferred business structures, contract strategy and procurement strategy
3. Design
Objective 3.1 To design for safety in construction, operation and maintenance and to achieve quality of design
Objective 3.2 To achieve sufficient accuracy of peak heat demands and annual heat consumptions
Objective 3.3 To select suitable building interfaces, direct or indirect connections
Objective 3.4 To design or modify suitable space heating and domestic hot water services systems
Objective 3.5 To achieve an energy-efficient heat network
Objective 3.6 To achieve a low cost network – optimisation of routes and pipe sizing for minimum lifecycle cost
Objective 3.7 To achieve a reliable network with a long life and low maintenance requirements
Objective 3.8 To select heat metering, pre-payment and billing systems that are accurate and cost-effective
Objective 3.9 To achieve an efficient heat distribution system within a multi-residential building, and to reduce the risk of overheating
Objective 3.10 To design a cost-effective and efficient central plant
Objective 3.11 To optimise the use of thermal storage
Objective 3.12 To update and refine the economic analysis, risk analysis and sensitivities
Objective 3.13 To assess environmental impacts and benefits
4. Construction and installation
Objective 4.1 To reduce health and safety risks to staff, customers and the general public
Objective 4.2 To achieve a high quality heat network construction to deliver a long asset life
Objective 4.3 To provide a high quality hydraulic interface unit (HIU) and building connection construction to provide good customer service levels
Objective 4.4 To reduce adverse environmental impacts of construction
5. Commissioning
Objective 5.1 To achieve consistently low return temperatures through commissioning building heating systems/controls
Objective 5.2 To provide HIU commissioning and heat network balancing to ensure demands are met at all times
Objective 5.3 To commission the heat metering and meter reading system to deliver accuracy and customer service
Objective 5.4 To commission the central plant to deliver an efficient and reliable service
Objective 5.5 To provide a smooth handover and sufficient information for the operations team
6. Operation and maintenance
Objective 6.1 To reduce health and safety risks to staff, customers and the general public
Objective 6.2 To achieve cost-effective, accurate and reliable heat metering, pre-payment and billing systems
Objective 6.3 To maintain a high level of reliability and a long life for the heat network
Objective 6.4 To deliver cost-effective and efficient maintenance of central plant that maintains a long life for the asset
Objective 6.5 To provide appropriate monitoring and reporting of central plant
Objective 6.6 To maintain the building connections to provide good customer service
Objective 6.7 To minimise environmental impacts of operation and maintenance
7. Customer expectations and obligations
Objective 7.1 To provide reports on energy supply and use and bills that are clear and informative
Objective 7.2 To develop communications with customers that meet customer expectations
Objective 7.3 Obligations to be met by customers
A. Glossary of terms
B. Checklist for commissioning HIUs
C. Guidance on the use of SAP modelling of heat networks
D. Guidance on types of building connections and internal heating systems for dwellings
E. Guidance on achieving an energy-efficient heat network
Principal Author: Paul Woods (formerly at AECOM, now with Cofely), prepared by AECOM under contract to CIBSE and in association with the ADE
Steering Committee:
Phil Jones (Chair), Hanaé Chauvaud de Rochefort, Peter Concannon, Ed Palmer, Tim Rotheray, Paul Woods
And the following members:
Ross Anderson, Paul Appleton, Mark Baker, Aimee Betts-Charalambous, Huw Blackwell, Guy Boulby, Martin Crane, Dave Culver, Yan Evans, Lars Fabricius, Jacquelyn Fox , Roberto Gagliardi, Paul Kay, Charlotte Large, Peter North, Paul Martin, Graham Perrior, Marc Primaroh, Keith Shenstone, David Wagstaff, Mark Whettall, Robin Wiltshire and David Wickersham
Further comments were gratefully received from corresponding members including:
Sergey Barekyan Silver, Ashley Bateson, Will Griffiths, Paul Millard, Minhajuddin Mohammed and colleagues at E.ON, William Orchard, Chris Parsloe, Steve Richmond and Simon Woodward
Vimal Bhana, Thomas Briault and Julian Packer