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Training Peer Review Panel

01 Jan 24

The Training Peer Review Panel is responsible for identifying areas of improvement within CIBSE’s existing, and developing training offerings.

The panel will be drawn from a cross-section of the membership in terms of discipline, experience, location, and diversity of those involved.


  1. To peer review the existing training content of CIBSE Training, develop a timeline from peer review to update and release outlining the expected work required.
  2. To appraise the developing training proposals, taking into account the learning objectives and relevance to the market.
  3. To peer review the developing training content of CIBSE Training and develop a timeline from peer review to update and release, outlining the expected work required.
  4. To inform CIBSE Training when training content requires a re-write, and support in this production.
  5. To advise on the most suitable mode of delivery for specific building services engineering topics.
  6. To advise on the priority order for delivery of training topics.

Panel Constitution:

  1. The Training Peer Review Panel will comprise circa 50 members.
  2. Members will be appointed for a three year period. At the end of this period, they may be reappointed.
  3. The Training Development Manager will chair meetings and agree the format.
  4. The Training Development Manager will appoint the members of this panel.

Member Appointment:

To be considered for appointment, applicants should normally be:

  1. A full member of CIBSE
  2. Able to commit their time to a maximum of three meetings per year.
  3. Be an expert in learning and development, training, or teaching, within the field of building services engineering.


  1. To apply to become a member of the Training Peer Review Panel please complete this form.
  2. The Training team will acknowledge your application and let you know if you have been successful. 
  3. If you have any further queries, please contact [email protected]


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