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CIBSE President

Fiona Cousins CEng, FCIBSE, PE, LEED Fellow - CIBSE President 2024/25

Fiona Cousins

About Fiona Cousins

Fiona Cousins joined Arup as a trainee. She was appointed to Principal in 2007, having worked in London, San Francisco, Berlin and New York. She is a member of the Americas and Arup Group Boards.

She is a Chartered Engineer and Fellow of CIBSE. She is also a LEED Fellow, recognizing her experience in sustainable building design. Fiona gave the CIBSE Annual Lecture in 2016: ‘How Building Services Engineers can save Civilization’. She was also honoured to receive the American Institute of Architects NY Chapter Award of Merit and the ASHRAE New York Chapter Distinguished Practitioner Award, both in 2017. She was elected to the board of CIBSE in 2019.

Low energy and sustainable design have been key drivers for Fiona throughout her career across a wide range of building types. She is particularly proud of the US Embassy in London, the Emma and Georgina Bloomberg Center in New York, the Fulton Center station in New York and the Frick Chemistry building in New Jersey. Her primary professional interest is at the intersection of complex projects, excellent place-making and sustainable development.

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