Day One
09:45 - Room A: Welcome - Tadj Oreszczyn, Director of the Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources
Opening address: Nick Mead, CIBSE President Elect
10:00 - Opening Session - Room A
Case Study: Danish buildings 1986-2014. From simple building services to complex building services - and back again? - Sergio Fox, Architecture withouth Engineers, Denmark
10:30 - Parallel Sessions
Session 2 - Room A: Modelling for building reality (IBPSA) - Chaired by Rokia Raslan, UCL
Session 3 - Room B: Soaking up the sun - Chaired by Tariq Muneer, Edinburgh Napier University
- CIBSE Guide A2 - Tariq Muneer, Edinburgh Napier University
Session 4 - Room C: Passive or aggressive building operation? Chaired by David Fitzpatrick, Ruskin UK
12:15 - Session 5 - Room A: Compendiary presentations for posters 1 - Chaired by Mike Smith, BSRIA Ltd
13:40 - Parallel sessions
Session 6 - Room A: Information driven building modelling - Chaired by Andrew Geens, CIBSE
Session 7 - Room B: Networking for success - Chaired by Emilia Targonska, Hoare Lea
Session 8 - Room C: Lessons for Future Schools (Sponsored by the School Design Group) - Chaired by Dejan Mumovic, UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering
- CIBSE TM57 Integrated School Design: Overview - John Palmer, AECOM
15:45 - Parallel sessions
Session 9 - Room A: Evaluating real operational performance - Chaired by Geoff Prudence, Chair of CIBSE Facilities Management Group
- Lessons for improving building performance based on two-year evaluation of a city-centre hotel - Julie Godefroy, Hoare Lea
Session 10 - Room B: Improving building performance through monitoring - Chaired by Andrew Saville, Armville Consultancy
Session 11 - Room C: Sustainable cooling by system integration - Chaired by David Hughes, CIBSE Past President
17:00 - Session 12 - Room A: Mock arbitration - Chaired by Richard Rooley, ASHRAE Past President
Arbitrator: Victoria Russell, Partner, Fenwick Elliott, LLP
Contractor: Richard Rooley
18:00 - (approx.) Day one close
Day Two
09:00 - Session 13 - Room A: Learning from actual building performance - Chaired by Graeme Maidment, IoR President
10:40 - Parallel sessions
Session 14 - Room A: Understanding real building performance - Chaired by Susie Diamond, Inkling LLP
Session 15 - Room B: Futuristic performance for real buildings - Chaired by Geoff Levermore, University of Manchester
Session 16 - Room C: The natural solution (sponsored by the Natural Ventilation Group) - Chaired by Martin Liddament, Chair of CIBSE Natural Ventilation Group
- CIBSE Guide A 2015 - Overview of enhanced aspects of ventilation assessment - Martin Liddament, Chair of CIBSE Natural Ventilation Group
12:25 - Session 17 - Room A: Symposium sponsor address
12:35 - Session 18 - Room A: Compendiary presentations for posters 2 - Chaired by Charlotte Mercer, AECOM
14:00 - Session 19 - Room A: Realising truly sustainable buildings - Chaired by Lynne Jack, Heriot Watt University
15:35 - Conference close, prize presentation and drinks reception - Chaired by Hywel Davies, CIBSE Technical Director
16:30 - (approx.) Day two close